

The Psychology of Projection in Conflict

Understanding human conflict requires us to understand human psychology. And it is only when we  understand the psychology that drives conflict that we can take intelligent steps to address it. Unfortunately, understanding the psychology of conflict is not easy and…

Israel’s growing isolation in the world and from Jews generally

Dr. phil. Milena Rampoldi: How has Israel invented the Iranian threat and with which means does Israel try to keep it for ever? Prof. Yakov Rabkin: In an earlier article I outlined the history of that invention ( ). Israel…

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action—The Iran Deal: the solution to a problem that never was

The “real” problem is Israel’s real 80-200 warheads, potential Saudi proliferation – and the ‘end of the world’ problem: the same old US/Russia potential apocalypse that has been waiting in the wings since the early 1960s and hasn’t gone away.…

TTIP, BDS and the illegal settlements

Not much has been said about the way the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the US and the EU) will affect BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanction) campaign against Israel. In fact when Obama signed the Trade Promotion Authority…

Calls for Israel to pass a law regulating the Atomic Energy Commission

Members of the Israeli movement against nuclear weapons, together with former MK Mossi Raz and author and historian Prof. Avner Cohen, demand that within 90 days the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, initiate legislation mandating and regulating the status of the Israeli…

Real Picture of Israel and Zionism

David Wapner: a Honest and Real Picture of Israel and Zionism Hi all, Today I am very happy to introduce you to David Wapner, an Israeli Jew, born in Buenos Aires in 1958 who moved to Israel in 1998 and…

Bury My Heart in Gaza

We thrash, curse for air As our strangler declares, look How violent the Arab – Haiku for the Headlocked, by Zein El-Amine Rami El-Amine makes the case that Israel’s war on Gaza is not about the kidnapping of Israeli teenagers,…

On Gaza War anniversary, UK protesters to shut down Israeli drone factory near Birmingham

A Staffordshire arms factory making engines for drones exported to Israel will be shut down by protesters on Monday 6 July, to mark the one year anniversary of Israel’s 2014 attack on Gaza. Hundreds of Palestine solidarity campaigners are expected…

Lift now Israel’s illegal naval blockade of Gaza’s sea waters and port

Israeli occupied forces intercepted Marianne. The boat is currently en route to Ashdod port #SOSFreedomFlotilla Dear Brothers and Sisters, Here I am bothering you once again.  But the below string of messages are very, very important.  I ask that you…

Peace between Israel, Palestine could bring $173bn in economic benefits – study

Peace between Israel and Palestine could lead to huge financial benefits. A new study says Israel would gain $123 billion over a decade, while Palestine would gain $50 billion. Violence would lead to losses of $250 billion and $46 billion,…

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