

Thousands rally in Tel Aviv against ‘racist’ Israeli state and home demolitions

Thousands rallied in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv on Saturday evening in protest of home demolitions targeting Palestinian citizens of Israel, with demonstrators calling the Israeli state’s demolition campaign “racist” and an act of “incitement” against Palestinian citizens. Protesters…

Noam Chomsky: Israel’s Response to the UN Resolution on Palestine Is ‘Hysterical’

Israel’s suspension of relations with the UN Security Council member nations that voted for the resolution—powerful countries including the U.K. and France—has effectively realized a goal of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. By Ken Klippenstein / AlterNet December 28,…

Trump’s new settlement builder?

Last Friday, President-elect Donald Trump tapped bankruptcy attorney David Friedman to be the next US Ambassador to Israel. Friedman has no diplomatic experience, and his political positions are to the right of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu! Friedman supports illegal settlements, is hostile…

50 years of occupation of Palestine: “Liberal Jews must voice their objection”

Interview with Daniel Bar Tal, with the support of Ina Darmstädter Daniel Bar Tal is a social-psychologist and until his retirement was professor for child development and education at the Tel Aviv University. For his research and struggle regarding the…

Trump appointed Secretary of Defense accused Israel of practicing apartheid.

Let’s see if Israel lobbies will try to intimidate even James Mattis, the Trump appointed Secretary of Defense, or whether they will just have to swallow this defeat. Reproduced with permit by Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) |  The interview of…

Complaint filed at ICC against Israeli siege on Gaza

Palestinian and international rights groups filed a complaint against the Israeli siege on Gaza to the International Criminal Court (ICC), Raji Sourani, director of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, announced yesterday. In a press conference held in Gaza, Sourani…

ICC affirms occupied status of Gaza and East Jerusalem in new update

The Office of the Prosecutor (Office) at the International Criminal Court (ICC) has affirmed the occupied status of the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, in a blow to Israel’s claims to the contrary. A new report on preliminary examination activities,…

Knesset approves ban on BDS activists entering Israel

A bill banning BDS activists from entering Israel passed its first reading in the Knesset (parliament) on Monday, local media have reported. If the bill becomes law, it will allow the interior minister to deny the entry to Israel of…

Israel allocates millions to fight successful BDS campaign

The international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign to boycott Israel has recently had several successes in the international arena, Safa news agency reported on Monday. They included official support from the EU Foreign Policy Chief, Federica Mogherini. In answer…

UNESCO must go one step further with a cultural boycott of Israel

The UN’s record of standing up to Israel’s bully-boy tactics is littered with failure. Last month, however, that trend was bucked when UNESCO adopted two telling resolutions on Jerusalem. Not only did the organisation reject Israel’s claims of ownership within…

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