

What Students Mean When They Demand Divestment, and Why We Should Listen

The basic idea of divestment is simple: Stop investing in corporations or other entities that are doing harm. Almost every day this spring, students used their graduation ceremonies as a platform to demand their universities and colleges divest from genocide…

Israeli conscientious objector Sofia Orr exempted from military service. Tal Mitnick and Ben Arad still in prison

Israeli conscientious objector Sofia Orr was exempted from service in the Israeli army after 85 days in military prison; Tal Mitnick was tried for a 5th prison sentence of 35 days, amounting to 185 in military prison Last week, 18-year-old…

Amal Clooney Publishes Expert Report Supporting ICC Arrest Warrant Applications for Crimes in Israel and Palestine

“More than four months ago, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court asked me to assist him with evaluating evidence of suspected war crimes and crimes against humanity in Israel and Gaza. I agreed and joined a panel of international…

USA: Between war and the courage to negotiate

President Joe Biden’s recent decision to approve a $95 billion military aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan is very bad for the world because it assures us that conflicts and military escalation will continue, with undoubted consequences for everyone.…

India, Mexico, Japan, UK, Australia, France, Canada, USA: pro-Palestine protests continue around the world

In the last two weeks, more than 160 actions and 125 camps in solidarity with Palestine have been registered in at least 17 countries. The common demand of the students is to divest from companies that support Israel and the…

United States, the violence of tin soldiers returns to universities

Tin soldiers and Nixon coming  We’re finally on our own  This summer I hear the drumming  Four dead in Ohio. “Nixon and the Tin Soldiers are coming …”: on May 4, 1970, the Ohio National Guard fired from a great…

12 and 15 May live: let’s all tune in to the Joint Ceremonies of reconciliation of the Combatants for Peace

While the world is following with bated breath the difficult negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza and in dozens of universities protests spread over the illegality of the occupations that have never stopped in the West Bank, we receive and…

“This Is the Conscience of a Nation”: Columbia Faculty Back Students as Campus Movement Continues

In New York, police moved in on Fordham University protesters just hours after they set up their encampment at Fordham’s Lincoln Square campus. The Fordham raid came a day after New York police arrested nearly 300 protesters at Columbia University…

Yeheli Cialic: “Israel, we cannot stand by and watch. Silence is complicity”

Yeheli Cialic is the coordinator of Mesarvot, a network of young Israeli conscientious objectors who refuse to join the army in protest of the occupation and the war in Gaza, a choice that means going against everything they have been…

Police Arrest 275+ Campus Protesters as Student Uprising for Gaza Shows No Sign of Slowing Down

Police across the United States made at least 275 arrests over the weekend as campus protests against Israel’s assault on Gaza continue to spread. In Boston, police detained about 100 people after students set up a Palestine solidarity encampment on…

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