
Israel Palestine conflict

The Gaza Flotilla To Set Sail While Blinken Attempts To Take Focus From Israeli/US Genocide of Gaza

While I am in Istanbul, Turkiye with hundreds of international participants from 40 countries who are attempting to sail in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla to break the illegal Israeli naval blockade of Gaza and bring food and medicine to starving…

Will the Freedom Flotilla Sail to Gaza?

The nonviolence training to join the Freedom Flotilla Coalition’s ships to Gaza has been intense. As hundreds of us from 32 countries gathered in Istanbul, we were briefed about what we might encounter on this voyage. “We have to be…

No evidence yet of Israel’s claims against UNWRA: Colonna report

Israeli authorities have provided no proof yet following their three-month-old claim that a dozen UN staff colluded with Hamas in the 7 October attacks in Israel, according to the final report of an independent review of the UN relief agency…

The United States in Ukraine and Gaza: double standards, really?

Should not the silence of the West in the face of the genocide currently underway in Gaza prompt skepticism about the loud cries of moral indignation of this same West in the face of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? Some people…

Interview with John Reuwer member International Civilian Aid Flotilla to Gaza

The International Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC) will sail in mid-April with multiple vessels, carrying 5500 tons of humanitarian aid and hundreds of international human rights observers to challenge the ongoing illegal Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip. This is an…

Yanis Varoufakis: The speech that I could not deliver because German police burst into our Berlin venue to disband our Palestine Congress

The speech that I could not deliver because German police burst into our Berlin venue to disband our Palestine Congress (1930s style). Judge for yourselves the kind of society Germany is becoming when its police bans the following words: Friends,…

International Civilian Aid Flotilla to Break the Siege of Gaza

The international Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC) will sail in mid April with multiple vessels, carrying 5500 tons of humanitarian aid and hundreds of international human rights observers to challenge the ongoing illegal Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip. This is…

Active Duty Air Force Airman On White House Hunger Strike for the Starving Children of Gaza

Senior Airman Larry Hebert is on day three of his hunger strike outside the White House, where he has been holding a sign that reads “Active Duty Airman Refuses to Eat While Gaza Starves.” “It’s just completely wrong and immoral…

Students Arrested at SUNY Campus During Pro-Palestine Day of Action Protest

The arrests of nine students during a March 26 protest at Stony Brook University (SBU) have prompted calls by SBU faculty for an investigation into why the arrests took place and how student dissent is policed on campus. By Susan…

Israel’s Condition of Origin and Our Willful Ignorance

A Confession I’m going to confess something up front here: Until 2023 I wasn’t aware that Israel was an apartheid state.(1) I’ve been reflecting on this “revelation” over the last week or so and it’s become clear to me, embarrassingly…

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