

Listening to the Indigenous Voices. Re-Kindling Spirit

Monday, May 16TH,  9 AM PDT, 4 PM GMT As we internalize what the Empirical cultures have wrought, the root cause is humankind, and with it the need for introspective reflection on the part religions have played. This should lead…

Eviction order against Lof Quemquemtreu still pending

One month after the murder of Elías Garay, the Río Negro judiciary ordered the eviction of the Mapuche community in Cuesta del Ternero. The defence lawyer for the lof considered the ruling a “clear act of racism”, but her request…

12 October: The plundering genocide against the indigenous population

According to Marx, “The discovery of the gold and silver deposits of America, the extermination, enslavement and burial in the mines of the aboriginal population, the beginning of the conquest and plunder of the East Indies, the conversion of the…

After documenting land grabs in their reserve, 18 indigenous and black leaders detained in Nicaragua

The president of the autonomous indigenous government is still detained Princess Barberena, a black Kriol environmental and feminist activist from Nicaragua has been detained by Nicaraguan soldiers on September 27, along with Kriol forest ranger Roger Joseph and 16 other black and indigenous…

Edmonton. Protest against Oil Teck Frontier project

“The Teck Frontier project would mean devastation for all our wildlife we depend on. All that is going to be compromised and destroyed forever.” said Jean L’Hommecourt of the Fort McKay First Nation. (Edmonton Journal) As many as 70 demonstrators…

Face 2 Face with Javier Enriquez

On this show we speak with Javier Enriquez about his book Searching for My Indigena. Javier describes the historical contributions of, and discrimination faced by, indigenous people in the US as well as their ongoing struggles in Central and South…

Face 2 Face with Anaclara Valdes

On this show we speak with Anaclara Valdes concerning the challenges facing the indigenous community in Argentina. The Mapuches claim part of the Benetton-owned land as ancestral territory and the conflict has often erupted into large protests.

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