
Indigenous peoples

The central role played by Indigenous Peoples in biodiversity conservation needs to be properly and accurately recognised by science

Indigenous Peoples play an indisputable and critical role in the conservation of the planet’s biodiversity. Their lands and livelihoods sustain life in myriad forms. However, a scientific study by researchers at the ICTA-UAB published in Nature concludes that this vital…

There can be no agreement to save nature without inclusion of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities COP15

The global biodiversity framework to save nature must respect, promote and support the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities if it stands any chance of succeeding. In this press briefing at the opening of COP15, members of the International…

Listening to the Indigenous Voices. Re-Kindling Spirit

Monday, May 16TH,  9 AM PDT, 4 PM GMT As we internalize what the Empirical cultures have wrought, the root cause is humankind, and with it the need for introspective reflection on the part religions have played. This should lead…

Pressenza and indigenous peoples

According to the latest UN data, there are 476 million indigenous people in the world, in 90 countries on 5 continents. Although they are very diverse peoples, we are going to highlight some common points that seem important to us.…

Brazil: the impacts of wildcat mining for women

Indigenous peoples live in distress, anguish, and fear due to the illegal activity and the risk of mercury contamination By Martha Raquel Illicit mining activity has daily impacts on indigenous peoples in Brazil. Invasions ushered by wildcat mining meddle and…

Defending our forests

Are Rights of Nature the answer to our ecological crises? In 2020, felling of ancient woodlands had begun along the planned route of the UK’s new HS2 high-speed rail line. At Jones’ Hill Wood in Buckinghamshire – the literary inspiration…

TENGAW, OB-OBBO, LUMDANG, AND BEGNAS: Northern Kankanaey Cultural Rites for Well-being and Solidarity

INDIGENOUS PEOPLE’S CULTURE         by Genevieve Balance Kupang Resolved with the belief that mutual understanding, ecumenical, inter-religious and [intercultural] dialogue constitute an important dimension of a culture of peace, a special gathering was held at Bauko Catholic…

Breaking Media Stereotypes with Indigenous Storytelling

By UN Academic Impact There are an estimated 476 million indigenous peoples in the world, living across 90 countries. They speak an overwhelming majority of the world’s estimated 7,000 languages and represent 5,000 different cultures. COVID-19 has posed a grave…

Brazil is up in flames—here’s why

by Diego Gonzaga It is no accident that there are fires all across Brazil, and it is no accident that the fires this year are worse than last. In fact, the fires in 2020 are the worst in the last decade.…

Peru’s state TV broadcasts 23 hours in Spanish daily but only 1 hour in indigenous languages

This statistic reflects how Peru treats its indigenous peoples The title of this article summarizes the attitude of the state channel TV Perú towards indigenous peoples, while also reflecting the colonial history of the country. At the threshold of the bicentennial…

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