
independent journalism

In order for Assange to be truly free, we need to free investigative journalism

Some thoughts on the occasion of the 2024 Festival of Journalism in Perugia (17-21 April), where Julian Assange’s name is inexplicably absent from the official programs. Translated from the article in the Monthly Report of the Italian daily L’Indipendente, February…

We have to unite because the enemy is always united

Daniel Cruz is a specialist in Communications, European activist, trade unionist, member of DiEM25 in the local group in Barcelona and Pressenza collaborator. He took part in the European Humanist Forum, recently held in Madrid, as a speaker at the…

Daniele Biella: the core of civic engagement? Storytelling and staying human

In September you spent eight days on the Aquarius ship of the SOS Mediterranée NGO, engaged in migrant rescue operations with the help of Doctors without Borders and you defined it as “one of the most important experiences of your…