

UN debate on Cuba: Overwhelming majority against US economic war

Voted out: 187 of the 193 member states of the United Nations are calling for an end to the US blockade against Cuba. The USA and its ally Israel are completely isolated. With an overwhelming majority of 187 votes in…

U.S. Imperialism as Philanthropy

When a cartoonist was recently denounced and canceled for racist remarks, Jon Schwarz pointed out that his resentment at black people for not being grateful for what white people do for them echoed similar resentment over the years for the ingratitude of…

Julian Assange tortured to give governments and army the freedom to kill

Tonight I received a letter that Fabio wrote and addressed to some English politicians. We reworked it together making it an open letter addressed to those who, in various ways, are involved in the dramatic situation of Julian Assange: to…

Beyond empires, the Universal Human Nation

The post-election landscape in the United States of America is an indecent spectacle. Once again the discrepancy between the discourse that propagates democratic values and actual political practice in that country is confirmed. Various analysts have pointed out on many…

How India’s Leader Modi Is Changing Laws to Help Imperialists Dominate the Country’s Agriculture

Foreign investors and multinational companies have been pushing countries like India to become food-import-dependent and divert land devoted to food grain toward crops that imperialist countries can’t grow. By Prabhat Patnaik The two bills rushed through India’s parliament on September…

André Vltchek’s Sudden Death

Exposing Lies of the Empire (PT. Badak Merah Semesta, 2015) first introduced me to André Vltchek’s remarkable journalism, weaving together unforgettable narratives of Western imperialism and capitalistic fundamentalism. He’s widely considered one of the world’s most gifted thinkers, and even…

The Great Leap Backward: America’s Illegal Wars on the World

No presidential candidate who does not call for the end of bipartisan militarist aggression can stem the domestic descent into social brutalization. If none calls this foreign policy debacle “imperialism,” elections will be a sleepwalker’s exercise. Nothing will change. Except,…