

The media have forgotten about refugees and migrants

“I come from the place of the reporter, the place of the hustler, the place where the boards of directors unfortunately rule. Since the boards of directors joined the editorial teams, journalism has ended. I am ashamed to have to…

[UK] Windrush generation latest to be stripped of their rights in the name of ‘migration control’

Tendayi Bloom, The Open University for The Conversation Some of those who came legally to the UK as part of the “Windrush generation”, many of whom are now elderly, have lost their jobs, homes, and bank accounts after being unable…

Behind the Golden Door: The Resilience of Today’s Immigrants

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Emma Lazarus (1883) America, the…

Urgently Needed—A BROAD Outpouring in Support of Immigrants!

Millions of immigrants, including 800,000 DACA recipients (“Dreamers,” undocumented immigrants brought here as children), were betrayed and dealt a very serious blow today when the Democrats caved in to the Republicans and voted to reopen the government. Already last Friday,…

The Democrats Caved. Now we Have to Act.

Popular support for immigrant justice measures like DACA is overwhelming, but the Democrats once again capitulated to Republican hostage-taking. By Danny Katch NOW WE know how long Democratic Party leaders are willing to fight against an unpopular racist president, in…

Face 2 Face with Georgina Bates

On this show we speak with Georgina Bates director and choreographer of “Somehow We End Up Here, Again”. Georgina collaborates with journalist Jihii Jolly, documentarian Diana Diroy, and others on a timely mixed-media dance theater work exploring life under the…

The Democrat should Build a Human Shield to Protect the DREAMers

In a few days, the Trump’s administration will announce whether it will choose to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which would put in jeopardy the future of thousands of undocumented immigrant youth. President Obama created DACA…

World Relief Urges Swift Congressional Action to Protect Individuals with DACA Status

Recent news reports suggest that President Trump is seriously considering the termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which since 2012 has allowed approximately 800,000 young people who came to the United States as children to obtain…

U.S. Justice Department to Cut Funds to Cities over Immigration Policies

Attorney General Jeff Sessions moved Thursday to cut off federal aid to four cities accused by the Justice Department of failing to turn over jailed immigrants to federal immigration authorities. The move will deny funds from a program combating drug…

Interview with Megan Alvarez, An attorney defending Immigrants Victims of Crimes in Indiana.

By Jhon Sánchez Since meeting Megan back in McKinney law school, I’ve always seen her like one of my cousins —well, part of my family has the same last name as Megan’s: Alvarez. Even though we teased each other like…

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