
illegal settlements

‘Blatant Theft’: Netanyahu Unveils Illegal Settlement Named ‘Trump Heights’ in Occupied Syrian Territory

“Trump Heights is such a great name for the colony built on theft, since Trump’s whole life has been about being wealthy and powerful enough to escape the consequences of his crimes.” by Jake Johnson staff writer for Common Dreams In what…

Israel in violation of Oslo agreements while the world says nothing

From the Union of Agricultural Work Committees in Palestine comes the following press release which we publish to raise awareness of the level of feeling within Palestine at the continued abuse of Palestinian lands and people by the Israeli government…

Noam Chomsky: Israel’s Response to the UN Resolution on Palestine Is ‘Hysterical’

Israel’s suspension of relations with the UN Security Council member nations that voted for the resolution—powerful countries including the U.K. and France—has effectively realized a goal of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. By Ken Klippenstein / AlterNet December 28,…

Israel to build 430 new settler homes: NGO

The Israeli regime has approved plans for the construction of some 430 new illegal settler homes on occupied Palestinian territories in the West Bank, reports say. Daniel Seidemann, head of the Terrestrial Jerusalem group, which monitors Israeli settlement activity on occupied Palestinian…