

Britain’s boycott of the UN multilateral nuclear disarmament talks

By Rebecca Johnson on With opposition to Trident growing, the British government has refused to join this week’s UN multilateral nuclear disarmament talks on practical measures to build global security without nuclear weapons. As hundreds of thousands gather to…

All states are legally required to pursue negotiations “in good faith” for nuclear disarmament

As meetings continue at the Open-Ended Working Group in Geneva, Switzerland which has convened to advance in measures for nuclear disarmament, civil society organisations and campaigns have the chance to contribute.  ICAN (the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons), of…

Stigmatize and prohibit: New UN talks on nuclear weapons start today

When North Korea tested a nuclear weapon in January, condemnation from all around the world flowed within minutes. A week later, the United States carried out a mock nuclear weapons test of a new type of “more usable” warhead in…

TEDx, Can we prevent nuclear war?

ICAN, February 1, 2016 Dr Ira Helfand, a co-president of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and member of ICAN’s international steering group, explains the grave threat posed by nuclear weapons in today’s world, and our moral obligation…

Doomsday Clock: nuclear arsenals more dangerous now than during the Cold War

Today, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists kept the “Doomsday clock” at three minutes to midnight, the closest it has been since the height of the Cold War in 1983. Despite the successful Paris Agreement on Climate, the current nuclear arsenals and their modernisation…

Podcast: The new movement to ban nuclear weapons

Fifteen thousand, eight hundred nuclear weapons spread across 14 nations. One thousand, eight hundred ready to be launched within minutes of a warning. This is not the cold war, but the present reality – the daily existential threat with which…

On North Korea’s nuclear test

This latest terrifying and dreadful underground nuclear test by North Korea should be a warning to the United States and the other nuclear weapons states, that the longer we continue to modernize and cling to our nuclear arsenals and promote…

North Korea nuclear test: Civil society warns of new nuclear arms race

The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) strongly condemns the nuclear test announced by North Korea on 6 January. DPRK justified the alleged hydrogen bomb test as a way to protect their country from a potential attack by the…

Campaigning for global peace in a time of war

The year 2015 will be remembered sadly for the many ways in which war and armed violence devastated the lives of millions of people around the world—armed conflicts in Ukraine, the Middle East, and Africa; a global refugee crisis spawned…

Nuclear weapons: Never again!

Yesterday, in the Hall of the Former Presidents, in the National Assembly of Ecuador, a public forum took place with the title “Towards a Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty”.  It’s of great importance that such an event could take place because…

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