

Resolution supporting the TPNW submitted in US Congress

On Thursday 11 April, US Congresspersons Jim McGovern and Earl Blumenauer introduced a historic resolution, H. Res 302: Embracing the Goals and Provisions of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, the first US House of Representatives resolution that calls…

South Africa: from nuclear armed state to disarmament hero

Today, the only country that went from developing its own nuclear arsenal to dismantling it and being an outspoken advocate against these weapons of mass destruction, took another critical step towards a nuclear-weapons-free-world: in the halls of the UN HQ in New York, South Africa…

INF Treaty suspension: Prevent the deployment of new missiles

One day after the USA announced suspension of the INF Treaty, Russia has followed suit and announced the development of new missiles. US withdrawal from the INF Treaty by Donald Trump breaks with a proven arms control measure, and is…

Australian Labor Party commits to join the UN nuclear weapon ban treaty

The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) Australia applauds the Australian Labor Party for committing today to sign and ratify the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. The party is widely expected to win government in 2019.…

There is no legal reason why Spain should not sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

NATO member countries have no legal impediment to signing the TPNW. Signing it or not is purely a political matter. If Spain signs it, it would be a revolutionary step that would contribute enormously to reducing nuclear hegemony. By Carlos…

Both houses of Swiss Parliament call on government to join the Nuclear Ban Treaty immediately

In a 24 to 15 vote (with 2 abstentions), the Council of States of the Swiss Federal Assembly has joined the National Council today in calling on the Swiss government to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons…

Granollers, Spain, once again expresses its commitment to a more just, peaceful and nuclear-weapon-free world

The municipal plenary unanimously approves a motion on nuclear weapons and support for the Treaty on their prohibition The municipal council of Granollers, Catalonia, Spain in a session held on Tuesday 27 November, unanimously approved the motion proposed by the…

Josep Mayoral, Mayor of Granollers, Spain: “Never again, here… or anywhere else!”

This is what Mayoral said about the minute in which the city he governs was bombed by Italian planes (31 May 1938), in the middle of the Spanish Civil War resulting in many victims. Granollers has rescued its memory dignifying…

Manchester becomes the first major European city to endorse ICAN’s cities appeal

As the campaign to bring the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons into force moves to the city-level with ICAN’s Cities Appeal, especially in nuclear weapon states and their friends, the City of Manchester in the UK, famous for…

By definition nuclear weapons are genocidal, xenophobic and racist

At the II World Forum on Urban Violence and Education for Coexistence and Peace, in Madrid from the 5th to the 8th of November, Pressenza took the opportunity to cover activities carried out by the international team of activists from…

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