
Humanist Movement

Silo’s revolutionary opus

Pressenza marks five years since Silo, the Argentinean author, nonviolent revolutionary and spiritual guide, passed away on the 16th of September 2010 at his home in Mendoza, Argentina, with this tribute by our columnist, Javier Tolcachier. Asked by a journalist…

Park of study and reflection inaugurated in Hungary

On the 22nd and 23rd of May 2015 more than 500 people gathered from all over the world to witness the official inauguration of the gate, hall and stele of Mikebuda Park of Study and Reflection in Hungary.  The small…

May the 4th: The Day of Testimony

“From this magnificent place we should consecrate this movable day so that in the future it will be known as the ‘Day of Testimony’: a testimony that gives privilege to this human attitude and that is itself justified above all…

Czech Humanists: if we are not careful we will find ourselves in the middle of a war zone

“Tanks? No, thanks” Statement by the Humanist Movement about the planned crossing of the US army across Czech Republic territory In a few days a large US army convoy will be crossing the Czech Republic. More than one hundred armored…

It’s great being a humanist

We were on the train going to Berlin – Antonia, Djamila, Catherine, Sonja and myself – from somewhere near a little town by Weisenburg, the nearest populated place by our Schlamau Park of Study and Reflection. Five of us, returning…

Humanists reject foreign intervention in Ukraine and ask for astute reflection on a dire situation

Press release  Humanists reject foreign intervention in Ukraine and ask for astute reflection on a dire situation The International Humanist Party (IHP) condemns the interference of third countries acting  covertly or overtly, in areas considered strategic for military plans or…

Inauguration of the Park of Study and Reflection in Germany

On Saturday the 8th of June, more than 150 guests from 20, mainly European, countries, but also from Canada, the US, Chile, Argentina and Iraq responded positively to the invitation to the “Days of Inspiration” and celebrated, together with the…

Humanists celebrate the 4th of May around the world. First Park of Study and Reflection inaugurated in Africa.

In a special day for adherents of New Humanism – the doctrine of peace and nonviolence elaborated by the Argentine author, philosopher and spiritual guide, Silo [Mario Rodriguez Cobos] – celebrations were held around the world to remember the 4th…

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