

London is being bombarded with images of London being bombarded

As the images of the trailer to the film ‘London has fallen’, with bridges and iconic buildings being blown up assault the senses not only from movie theatres but also from screens in shopping centres it is difficult not to…

Democracy and Nonviolence go hand-in-hand

Democracy and Non-Violence go hand-in-hand, or should. In a true democracy there would be no violence and that is the strongest indicator of its presence. Conversely, in situations, whether political or other, non-violence is apparent when everything is running smoothly…

UK heads for more austerity, privatisation (bye bye National Health Service) and TTIP with Tory victory

There are many forms of violence: physical, economic, religious, racial, psychological, ecological, moral…etc, etc. What do we call it when there is an illusion of Democracy but the system is firmly in the hands of an economic elite that controls…

Humanism and Spirituality in the Age of Disillusion

by East-West dialogues We would like to introduce the topic of Humanist tendencies that exist within a worldwide social situation and their development through the disillusioned age (starting around 1887) until the present. By humanist tendencies we mean those movements,…

“Selfie” Campaign for Nonviolence Day

The initiative ‘Building nonviolent spaces‘ has organized an online campaign through social networks on October 2nd 2014. This day, Gandhi’s birthday, was proclaimed in 2007 “International Day of Non-violence.” This action has been designed as a simple and rapid campaign…

To the Humanist people – Palestine and Israel, the day after Gaza

By Aaron Elberg, from Jerusalem At some point, the fire will cease. Maybe in a couple of days, maybe a couple of weeks, but at some point the uproar of the cannons and the missiles will quiet. Until that time…

Twelve years of Silo’s Message

E.H. de Casas – Mendoza, July 2014 This July we celebrate Silo’s presentation of his message in July of 2002, twelve years ago; and on several occasions more in that year Silo presented it, precisely as Silo’s Message. I remember…

The real conflict

Four teenagers have died. One of them Palestinian. The other three Israelis. All belonging to the same generation, in the dawn of their lives. We know their faces. Thousands are no longer there, in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Cambodia, Nicaragua,…

Conflicting Intentions

  Freedom of access to information is sometimes almost as overwhelming as the censorship, limitations to expression or deformation and silencing by the powers that be to which we are accustomed. Or the power of certain media. When I say,…

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