
Human Rights

French, Malian Military Restrict Access of Media to Conflict Areas

“French military and Malian government forces are restricting access to conflict areas for members of the media, making covering the situation a major challenge” By Peter Townson*, 23/01/2013 – As violence continues in Mali, the national and international media are finding it increasingly…

Last-minute court ruling delays application of new broadcasting law

The Argentine media group Clarin obtained an eleventh-hour ruling yesterday delaying the application of a section of the country’s new media law which would have forced it to give up some of its broadcasting licences. The Civil and Commercial Court…

Keeping African Roots Alive in Brazil

By Fabiana Frayssinet A Nigerian diviner dances and sings next to a Brazilian priest of the Candomblé religion, brought to this South American country by African slaves, that is now being rescued from oblivion in school texts on national history…

Egypt’s Women Rebel Against Harassment

We reproduce here an article by Mel Frykberg for IPS. Photograph: Tahrir Square, the cradle of Egypt’s revoltution, has become also a place for harassment of women. Credit: Khaled Moussa al-Omrani/IPS. CAIRO, Nov 1 2012 (IPS) – Egyptian bullies who…

“The only certain thing, death and taxes” (unless you are a big corporation in the UK). The Putney Debates strike back

First stated by Daniel Defoe, in The Political History of the Devil, 1726: “Things as certain as death and taxes, can be more firmly believed.” Benjamin Franklin in 1789, gave it its current form: “‘In this world nothing can be…

Malala, Drones and looking behind the headlines

We report here on little known facts about Malala Yousufzai, the courageous teenager shot by the Taliban for promoting women’s education. Craig Murray, former UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan, now committed Human Rights campaigner, has been doing some research. When Malala…

Slavery: Use of Children as Domestic Workers Pervasive Throughout Haiti

The use of children as domestic workers is pervasive throughout Haiti. Though culturally accepted for generations, a new campaign has been launched to combat what is one of the worst forms of child labour. Her day starts at 4 a.m.. She…

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