
Human Rights

What is the colour of the world?

Attacks, military coup attempts, wars, economic battles, fascism growing in Europe and elsewhere, human madness, despair, politicians’ cynicism, the violence of society, repressions, democracy or what we thought was democracy, etc … they all overwhelm our daily lives. What is…

Paraguay itself on trial for the Curuguaty Massacre: justice or scapegoats?

Last Friday, 11 Paraguayan farmers accused of the Curuguaty Massacre were sentenced to between 4 and 30 years in prison in a case repeatedly condemned as biased and irregular.  By Emergentes Opinion piece written by Luis Lezcano Claude, former member…

Yanis Varoufakis talks about Privatization, Human Rights & Capitalism

In this interview with the former finance minister of Greece and founder of DiEM25 (Democracy in Europe Movement 2025), Yanis Varoufakis, a host of issues are discussed which  include privatization, human rights, media, his experience with the EU and capitalism’s…

Idomeni: Blank faces of people who are losing hope

The rumor had been spread over the past 20 days concerning the final decision for the evacuation of Idomeni. In the meantime the Greek Ministry of Health carried out a voluntary vaccination campaign in cooperation with NGOs that are dealing…

Green Party UK platforms human rights abuses in Poland

The Green Party and the European Greens stand in solidarity with Polish human rights activists 8 May 2016 The European Green Party and the Green Party of England and Wales are supporting a tour by the Committee of Democratic Defence…

CIA Analyst Ray McGovern – Exclusive Interview Video

In this video acTVism Munich interviews former CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) analyst, Ray McGovern, who talks about his experience in the agency and the reasons that led him to become an activist and outspoken critic of the US government.  The…

In landmark ruling, UK court affirms “Journalism isn’t Terrorism”

Court rules in favor of David Miranda, detained for nine hours at Heathrow airport in 2013 while transporting journalist documents on NSA revelations by Nadia Prupis, staff writer for Common Dreams In a landmark ruling, a British appeals court on…

COP21- exclusion of human rights from draft text of Paris Agreement

Last night around 10 o’clock, the long-awaited new text of the Paris Climate Agreement was released. Something that fell like a drop of cold water was the complete exclusion of the mention of human rights from the operative text of…

Philippines: Manila students greet indigenous Lumad caravan

Hundreds of students from various Manila universities gathered on Wednesday, November 4, to express solidarity with the Lumad indigenous peoples from Mindanao. (See previous article: ) Among those gathered to welcome them at Liwasang Bonifacio were students from University…

Anna Polo in Greece, helping to illuminate the darkness

Anna has been engaged for many years in the areas of peace and nonviolence, coordinating a commission on these subjects for the European Region of the Humanist International (at the kick off meeting in 2003 in Prague and presenting the…

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