
Human Rights

Human rights and education: a cross-sectoral approach in Latin America and the Caribbean

The seventh public event, organized by CLADE, in partnership with the Argentinean Campaign for the Right to Education (CADE), the Dakar Forum in Honduras, the Education and Human Development Forum of the Initiative for Nicaragua, was held today as part…

Human Rights Tribunal in Berlin: Migration and Asylum Policies of the German Government and the EU Violate Fundamental Human Rights Including the Right to Health

The current migration and asylum policies of the Federal Republic of Germany and the EU seriously violate the right to health and the physical and psychological integrity of migrant and refugee peoples. This is the result of the Human Rights…

Goodbye Moon

Fly me to the moon, but don’t put reactors there By Linda Pentz Gunter Not content to desecrate our terrestrial landscape with hundreds of thousands of tons of nuclear waste — much piled up with nowhere to go, the rest…

COVID-19 People’s lives have been sacrificed to the economic interests of the dominant powers

They have once again failed to give priority to human beings, to life, over the economic interests of the “lords of the world” who, over the last 50 years, have done nothing but steal and destroy life on Earth. Friday…

Top Human Rights Tweets of the Week

Trending rights tweets this week: Five years since Angela Merkel admitted one million refugees to Germany, they have largely been a success story; violent protests erupt in Colombia after a man dies in police custody; a devastating fire breaks out in…

Why should Universal Basic Income be regarded as a human right?

Because it would provide something vital: the people’s survival.  And, it would have huge physical and psychological effects, individually as well as collectively. This extract is from the first part of the author’s contribution to the virtual event called “Universal…

Libya: Bachelet Appoints Independent Fact-Finding Mission Experts

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said the deteriorating security situation in Libya and the absence of a functioning judicial system underscored the importance of the work of a team of independent experts to document human rights violations…

Peace Deal in Colombia: A Pending Task

By Zenaida Espinosa and Jorge Escobar Banderas Almost four years have passed since the peace deal signed between the Colombian government and FARC former guerrillas. In the meantime many changes have been fostered, although there are still many debts unpaid,…

Dignidad in La Pampa Daily Life in Northern Chile in Times of Pandemia

By Maxine Lowy* The aroma of firewood envelops La Pampa, as it has, on occasions, a thousand years. After ascending with harvests from the sea to barter with inland peoples, the Changos lit fires to smoke fish and dry sea…

The refugee who gave hope to other victims

The Hungarian Helsinki Committee made a movie about the Russian asylum-seeker, Alexei Torubarov. His eventful and touching story illustrates how unfairly refugees are demonized. The case of our client persecuted for his political views had to be brought before the Court of Justice…

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