
Hong Kong

Hong Kong and Beyond

  Human Wrongs Watch By Johan Galtung*, 6 Oct 2014, TRANSCEND Media Service — Beijing should listen to its own excellent mantra: “One Country, Two Systems”. A part of that other system is democracy. England never practiced that during 150 years of conquest…

Hong Kong Occupy Central – the Adults Show Up

The student curtainraiser in Hong Kong appears to be over for now. A few hundred diehard students remain on post at the three main demonstration sites. In some places there are more journos than demonstrators. But don’t get the impression…

The Umbrella Movement and Democracy in Hong Kong

During this past week, Central was occupied by thousands of demonstrators, as was Admiralty, Wanchai, Causeway Bay, and other parts of Hong Kong. The key question being asked is: What needs to be done to end the demonstrations? By Jack…

Hong Kong Oct 1 Occupy Central Protest

[media-credit name=”Foto Steven Knipp” align=”alignnone” width=”600″][/media-credit] Foto Steven Knipp Foto Steven Knipp Foto Steven Knipp Foto Steven Knipp [media-credit name=”Foto Steven Knipp” align=”alignleft” width=”600″][/media-credit]               [media-credit name=”Foto Steven Knipp” align=”alignleft” width=”600″][/media-credit]      …

HONG KONG: witnessing a ‘new form of protest’

As protests in Hong Kong continue, there are growing fears of a crackdown. But the use of force would not work as it would ruin people’s trust in good governance, human rights lawyer Basil Fernando tells DW.  Despite fear of…

Hong Kong’s Umbrella Revolution

The streets and echoes resounding in Hong Kong in this moment are energised by an invigorating turmoil. It’s as if the shrouded urbanity had shook itself and woken up. People found themselves shoulder to shoulder, fired into a new solidarity.…

Hong Kong students make the grade

Following the student led protests against the Hong Kong government’s handling of the electoral reforms imposed by China’s Beijing rulings, and especially as the police used pepper sprays and the like to quell the dissent, the foreign press is picking…

Hong Kong needs a mayor to lead the city’s renewal and reinvention

The exhausting distraction of constitutional and political arrangements continues to divert much energy from our senior leadership, and has done so ever since 1982. This diversion is the reason why many government departments are operating under outdated practices, guidelines and statutes,…

Hong Kong – half million take to streets!

In Hong Kong there was a sit-in following a rally of a half a million citizens on July 1, the anniversary of the handover of the former British colony Hong Kong to China in 1997. China has promised Hong Kong…

Hong Kong – trouble in the glen

Edith Chung, a resident of Lantau Island, informed Pressenza about the protest action that has been going on for some time now by residents of Hong Kong’s North East New Territories, and sympathizers, worried that the threatened eviction from their…

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