
Hong Kong

Hong Kong theatre: it’s a gas – Tear Gas!

Tear Gas is a play, a satire or skit I would call it, on the student involvement in the Occupy Protests in Hong Kong that have been going on for 40-odd days and more now and that have highlighted, though…


UMBRELLA REVOLUTION DAY 40 (6 November 2014) Before I begin today’s recap, I’d like to invite you to read my article “A Guide to the Recent Protests in Hong Kong” with background information, timeline and a run down a some…

Give Hong Kong an appropriate Harbour Authority – or non

“The Government is consulting the public on the setting up of a Harbourfront Authority but both the digest and response form fail to address key concerns,” says Paul Zimmerman, CEO, Designing Hong Kong, and Member, Harbourfront Commission. “These include a…

Remember, it’s a pro-Hong Kong Movement

A staunch supporter of western democracy, Apple Daily, today, 28 October, 2014, heralded the disturbing news that, according to its way of seeing China affairs, the future of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect scheme is ‘in peril’, not looking promising,…

Hong Kong: seventeen years and nothing…

Things are not looking too bright in Hong Kong. The press is releasing news of ‘sources’ saying the main figures of the Occupy Central campaign are to be arrested. These include the three Occupy Central proponents Benny Tai Yiu-ting, Chan…

Hong Kong – surpassing the divide

Lao Tzu Chapter 18 of The Dao Article by Vonnie Boston. The mighty way declined among the folk And then came kindness and morality When learning and intelligence appeared, They brought with them a great hypocrisy The six relations were…

HONG KONG: Concern about use of police excessive force and abuse

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AHRC-ART-083-2014 October 15, 2014 An Article from the Asian Human Rights Commission HONG KONG: Concern about the use of police excessive force and abuse (Hong Kong, October15, 2014) The Asian Human Rights Commission expressed shock and sadness…

Hong Kong Protests – the light and the dark

One of Hong Kong’s Occupy movement’s leading lights is Joshua Wong Chi-fung who had his 18th birthday, yesterday – October 13, 2014 – which also marked the 16th day of the protest. Vonnie Boston* took him a couple well-wishing gifts and…

Hong Kong – NED and the stalemate

The Chinese State, or Communist Party-run People’s Daily’s overseas edition on Friday blamed the United States for being behind the pro-democracy protests that are unsettling Hong Kong. That pointer immediately averted by the State Department. The report said the National…

Hong Kong Students Set Date for Talks with Government over Pro-Democracy Demands

In Hong Kong, student protesters have agreed to begin talks with government officials on Friday after more than a week of pro-democracy demonstrations. Tens of thousands have flooded the streets in opposition to China’s plan to select candidates for Hong…

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