

South Africa begins its own production of groundbreaking HIV-prevention drug to make it affordable within the continent

South Africa will soon begin production of the groundbreaking HIV-prevention drug, long-acting cabotegravir (CAB-LA), finally making the life-saving treatment affordable within the African continent. The treatment, which must be injected every two months, almost entirely eliminates the risk of becoming…

New HIV injection arrives in Brazil and South Africa

The international initiative Unitaid announced on Friday 18 that it will fund the introduction in Brazil and South Africa of an innovative, “highly effective and long-lasting” injectable HIV preventive treatment. The new long-acting pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) treatment “could have a…

Face 2 Face with Jaime Manrique

On this show we speak with Jaime Manrique about his upcoming book “Like this Afternoon Forever.” The novel is based on the true story of two Colombian priests who are lovers and who killed themselves upon discovering they had HIV.…

Roma Feminists Navigate the Tricky Terrain of Ethnic Stereotypes

 Last year, as the news broke in the Romanian media that a man who had died of AIDS had infected over 30 young women with HIV, it became clear to me that much needed to be done on sexual education…

South Africa and Aids-HIV: public health sector rolling out free ARVS

South Africa- 1 December is World Aids day. As a result of such days emphasising the problem and the ensuing campaigns that are related to the issue South Africa has come a long way regarding this struggle and the fight against…

Marisol Ramirez on Face 2 Face

This week show starts with Belaez, Colombian singer visiting New York and continue with Marisol Ramirez, community activist in Jackson Heights, Queens.

Arab Region Has World’s Fastest Growing HIV Epidemic

By Mona Alami BEIRUT, Sep 1 2014 (IPS) – At a time when HIV rates have stabilised or declined elsewhere, the epidemic is still advancing in the Arab world, exacerbated by factors such as political unrest, conflict, poverty and lack…