

The fascist is “the other”

Since the beginning of the “Special Operation” in Ukraine it has become increasingly common to use the word “fascist” as an insult against “the other”. Only now, and not before, the same Russians who claim to be politically opposed to…

Neo-Nazis target millions of autistic children in Bangladesh

TELEVISION FICTION/BROADCAST MEDIA       by Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury In 1939, the Nazi regime in Germany under the command of nefarious Adolf Hitler carried out a program called the T4, euthanizing hundreds of thousands of people with autism,…

Fascism, then and now

By John Scales Avery A new book I would like to announce the publication of a new book, entitled “Fascism, Then and Now”. It can be freely downloaded from the following link: Please circulate the link to your friends…