
Hinkley Point C

Trump(lack of)care. Red alert for the UK Health System

If anybody had any doubts about the need to refund, reinstate, protect and develop the UK Health Service the process taking place across the Atlantic is providing us with all the reasons. US Senator Elizabeth Warren explains after reading the…

UK Government says taxpayers will foot excess bill for waste storage…

…at new nuclear plant, documents reveal. Even ahead of new reporting by Observer critics had warned Hinkley C ‘would saddle Britons with eye-watering costs for decades’. by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams The U.K. government agreed to limit…

Hinkley Point C: UK’s nuclear (rogue) white elephant

Hinkley Point C nuclear power station has been on the cards for more than 15 years to be built in Somerset, England by French state run EDF with the addition of Chinese capital. The cost has been spiralling up and…