

Expecting a Dawn in Northeast India Healthcare

Providing value-added healthcare facilities to everyone with a reasonable expenditure can create a magical world, where the prevention of epidemics, reduction of the burden from non-communicable diseases, and improvement of healthcare management for women, children, and elderly individuals will be…

International Peace Bureau: divert military spending to healthcare, now!

One of the world’s oldest peace federations, and receiver of the 1910 Nobel Peace Prize, the International Peace Bureau, launched a call this week aimed at world leaders “to dramatically reduce military spending in favour of healthcare and all social…

Bolivia’s universal healthcare is model for the world, says UN

The World Health Organization (WHO) has cited the universal healthcare system in Bolivia as a model for all. Media reports said: The U.N.’s World Health Organization praised Bolivia’s newly implemented universal health care system, known in the country as the…

Neo-liberalism at Work

Anne Kass When she had just retired after being a judge in a Family Court for 18 years, the Albuquerque Rotary Club invited her to give a speech which words are still very accurate: “Thank you for inviting me today.…