
Health Professionals

Why Should the Health Personnel Attend to Us?

Why should they continue to struggle every day and risk their lives for a miserable wage and unbearable ingratitude? Why should they continue to care for us, if we not only do not care for ourselves, but we infect others…

At the Hospital Bedside

Nurses, health care workers, radiology technicians, geriatricians, anesthetists, M.D. specialists in Intensive Care and infectious diseases. All hospital staff took part in the demonstrations occurred throughout France, where more than 220 meetings took place for the National Mobilization Day organized…

US Health Professionals Designed and Participated in Torture of Detainees

According to Research carried out by the Task Force on Preserving Medical Professionalism in National Security Detention Centers and published on the Institute on Medicine as a Profession website “Medical, Military, and Ethics Experts Say Health Professionals Designed and Participated…