
Head to Health

More Proudly Made in the Philippines Paints Pass Third-Party Lead Safe Paint® Certification

A-Plus Paints Pass Independent Lead Safe Paint® Verification 21 June 2024, Talisay City/Quezon City.  A-Plus and three other paint products of FH Colors & Coatings Corp. have been certified “lead safe” following a meticulous third-party verification confirming compliance with the…

Groups: Heed Safety Tips to Protect Waste Workers from Extreme Heat

8 April 2024, Quezon City.  The environmental watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition and its member groups from the informal waste sector (IWS) are advising waste workers across the country to take all protective measures against heat stress amid the smoldering summer…

Warning Out on Weight Loss Products Containing Banned Sibutramine

18 March 2024, Quezon City. The toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition is calling on consumers to be wary of products marketed as fat-burning supplements for weight loss as some of these products may contain sibutramine, an anti-obesity drug that can…

As Australian mental health services are reduced to pre-COVID levels, citizens are anxious for alternatives

On January 1st, 2023, the Labor Government halved the amount of free psychology sessions covered under Medicare’s mental health plan, reducing them to the original 10 instead of 20. This increases the cost of extra sessions by up to hundreds…