

Gaza: another slaughter as the UN once again looks the other way

At this very moment (2pm local time, April, 7), the funeral of the last victims of Israeli gunfire is taking place here in Gaza. Yesterday’s slaughter showed the world how Tel Aviv, confident of its impunity, intends to stop the…

Bury My Heart in Gaza

We thrash, curse for air As our strangler declares, look How violent the Arab – Haiku for the Headlocked, by Zein El-Amine Rami El-Amine makes the case that Israel’s war on Gaza is not about the kidnapping of Israeli teenagers,…

Two Speeches

  Human Wrongs Watch By Uri Avnery*, 03/10/14 — IF I could choose between the two rhetorical gladiators, I would rather have Mahmoud Abbas representing Israel and Netanyahu representing the other side.   Netanyahu used all the tricks taught in a…

It’s doable: Peace Israel-Palestine (1)

This article was first published on TFF PressInfo Violence is a dead end Look at the violence in Gaza today, DR Congo (6 million dead), Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Somalia etc: Isn’t it obvious that the world needs a completely new…

How the West Chose War in Gaza: Crisis Tied to Israeli-U.S. Effort to Isolate Hamas & Keep the Siege

Democracy Now! While many trace the Israeli assault on Gaza to the series of events that began with the kidnapping and subsequent murder of three teenage Israelis in the occupied West Bank, we look at how the crisis’ immediate cause…

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