
Guillermo Sullings

Either we build the Universal Human Nation or oblivion awaits

This is the choice that humanity faces.  It might sound a bit strange as a title because the first concept isn’t one that circulates widely in the public consciousness and the second concept is rather frightening; but this is the…

Homo Creditensis: Debt as an instrument of social control

The Argentinean economist Guillermo Sullings at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum in June this year, explained that “…it is clear that capitalism is approaching a dead end. That capitalism, which sometime ago appeared to reformulate its distributive equation encouraging…

Genuine democracy needs responsible media

By Ramesh Jaura | IDN-InDepth News, Tony Robinson | Pressenza When Erik Bettermann, the outgoing director-general of the German international broadcaster Deutsche Welle, launched the Global Media Forum in 2008, he had an ambitious aim: to institute a ‘media Davos’…

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