

Pressenza to collaborate with Omniatv in Greece

The greek office of Pressenza International Press Agency and the internet grassroots news platform Omniatv announce with pleasure the opening of a new era of networking and cooperation. We will work together on specific projects based on mutual audiovisual productions…

Brussels to raise investment walls against China

By Leonidas Vatikiotis[1]. The European Union is preparing to close the door to China in the New Year, copying US President Donald Trump’s economic policy. In particular, as Bloomberg has revealed, intensive negotiations have long been going on between the…

Greece: Rescuers at Sea Face Baseless Accusations

The criminal accusations brought by Greek prosecutors against activists for their efforts to rescue migrants and asylum seekers at sea appear entirely unfounded, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch analyzed court records and other documents in the cases of two…

Refugee journey through the Balkan route: a crisis no more?

12-18 November 2018 TATE LIVERPOOL Tate Exchange Liverpool Royal Albert Dock  Explore the stories of migration and the refugee crisis in Serbia, Macedonia, and Greece This project raises questions about the lived experiences of refugees on the Balkan Migration Route…

Greece – Chios: local school directors defend refugee’s children right to education

Marianella Kloka reporting from Greece A group of 1130 parents in the island of Chios (Eastern Aegean), have decided several days ago to send an extrajudicial document to the Directors of 5 primary schools of the island, aiming to intimidate…

21st Antiracist Festival of Athens in pictures

“A three-day celebration for hearts of light in times of darkness.” The 21st Antiracist Festival of Athens was held this year on June 29 and 30, and July 1. The festival was full of concerts of Greek and immigrant groups…

Straight talk on trade, international institutions, Greek austerity and inequality

By JAMES GALBRAITH 27 April 2018 for openDemocracy European austerity is a politics of power. It’s a banker protection racket. And the fact is, the strategy has now failed. Protestors outside trade negotiators meeting between 11 of the original 12 TPP…

Greece: As Winter Nears, Asylum Seekers Stuck in Tents on Islands

The Greek government, with the support of EU member states, should act now to end Greece’s “containment policy,” 20 human rights and aid groups said today. The policy forces asylum seekers arriving on the Greek islands to remain in overcrowded,…

Civil society together with refugees in Greece: scaling up pressure on the government

It’s less than a month from today since solidarity groups, NGOs and refugees started to scale up their opposition to what continues to be the reception conditions for asylum seekers on Greek islands in the North-East Aegean. Learning from the…

Journalists on strike in Greece – Pressenza strikes in solidarity

Greek journalists have just finished a 2 day strike; the 4th such strike within a year. Journalists and editors went into media silence on Tuesday and Wednesday this week with the idea that no news should be broadcast via the…

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