

Meeting with Stella Moris Assange in Athens

On the occasion of the screening of the documentary “Ithaca – the battle to free Julian Assange” as part of the Thessaloniki International Film Festival and the special screening organized in Athens by Meta – Center for a Post-Capitalist Culture,…

‘You mean the prison?’: displaced people on Samos

The warehousing of asylum-seekers behind barbed wire encapsulates where ‘protecting borders’ leads. As representatives of the European Union’s 27 member states came together on February 9th and 10th in Brussels, for a summit focused on war, the economy and migration, a number…

Greece: Migrant Rights Defenders Face Charges

Greek authorities have brought unfounded charges against two migrants’ rights defenders, Panayote Dimitras and Tommy Olsen, linked to their peaceful activism, Human Rights Watch said today. The case is part of a wider pattern of prosecutions of activists working with migrants. Panayote…

Greece’s Surveillance Scandal Puts Rights At Risk

A European Parliament committee that investigates spyware use by European Union governments soundly criticized the Greek government’s response to revelations it surveilled independent journalists and an opposition leader. “We’ve heard worrying reports of journalists feeling unsafe when they write about important topics, of the supposedly independent…

Mayors positive to pilot Basic Income, if supported financially and institutionally

On Tuersday, October 18th, 2022, CONTENTATIVA and the Department of Social Policy of Panteion University presented the results of the first survey on Basic Income conducted among Greek Mayors. The central research questions concerned the knowledge and attitudes of the…

EU border agency Frontex accused of covering up human rights violations in Greece – the allegations explained

A classified report by EU anti-fraud office Olaf has accused Frontex, the EU border agency, of covering up human rights violations in Greece. The report was made public by German media. It comes after a months-long investigation into allegations that Greek border officials…

Greece: Frontex fails to report potential violations of human rights

Seven civil society organizations from Samos island brief MEPs, ahead of LIBE Committee meeting on October 10th. Frontex is not using its internal monitoring and reporting mechanism to investigate potential violations of fundamental rights or international protection obligations: this is…

The European Court of Human Rights condemns Greece over deadly refugee boat sinking

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has convicted Greece for serious omissions and multiple human rights violations over the sinking of a refugee boat in 2014, in which eight children and three women lost their lives. During the early…

Interview with Sophia Sakorafa on NATO, Greece’s position and her resignation from the Greek Parliamentary Arms Committee

Last Monday, July 4th, the Deputy President of the Greek Parliament and MP of MeRA25 (greek DiEM25), Sophia Sakorafa, published a statement on social media about her resignation from the Greek Parliamentary Arms Committee, blaming the procedure that is systematically…

Greece: Redefining the human-nature relationship

From June 30 until July 2, the 2nd Youth Lifelong Learning Festival took place in Larissa, Greece. It was held at Mill of Pappas, a cultural heritage museum at the edge of the city center, and included concerts, theatrical performances,…

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