

Towards the #Greferendum: Back to the future

As the days count down to the 5th of July and the Greek referendum on whether to accept Europe’s demands for more austerity, which looks increasingly like a referendum on whether to stay in the Euro or leave it, our…

Towards the #Greferendum: Words are being thrown like swords

As the days count down to the 5th of July and the Greek referendum on whether to accept Europe’s demands for more austerity, which looks increasingly like a referendum on whether to stay in the Euro or leave it, our…

Towards the #Greferendum: The eyes of the world are on us

As the days count down to the 5th of July and the Greek referendum on whether to accept Europe’s demands for more austerity, which looks increasingly like a referendum on whether to stay in the Euro or leave it, our…

On what basis should Greeks vote yes or no on Sunday?

There is endless commentary in the media about which way Greeks should vote to avoid an apocalypse. Some say Greeks should continue to accept the conditions required by the IMF, the European Central Bank and the European Commission. Others say…

Forcing regime change in Greece: the Troika v. Democracy

We reproduce here some views from Podemos and Nobel Laureate in Economics Joseph Stiglitz In view of the situation in Greece, and following the breakdown in the negotiations by the Eurogroup, Podemos wishes to communicate the following: 1.- Last Monday,…

Towards the #GReferendum

As the days count down to the 5th of July and the Greek referendum on whether to accept Europe’s demands for more austerity, which looks increasingly like a referendum on whether to stay in the Euro or leave it, our…

Greek referendum: “The economy isn’t just a matter for experts”

Interview by Domenico Musella and Anna Polo.  The Greek translation of this article appears after the English version. Greece is permanently in the spotlight at the moment and the hashtag #greferendum is trending. We will go deeper into the issue…

Greece to hold national referendum on debt deal – PM

The Greek PM has announced a national referendum on July 5 on the conditions of the debt deal with international creditors. It’s up to the Greek people, Tsipras said, to make a fateful decision on the country’s sovereignty, independence and…

Hope on the Horizon and It Comes from Greece

Washington in its arrogance, seeing itself as “indispensable,” poses a continuing threat to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. The extraordinary number of dead that Washington has murdered in the 21st century–”The American Century”–is dismissed as “collateral damage”…

Greece’s choice: save the people or the banks?

The recent rise to power of the left wing party Syriza with Tsipras as Prime Minister has renewed expectations about the paths that the country can take to resolve her crisis. Tsipras’s promise to put an end to the extreme…

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