
global warming

Pounding Heat Clobbers Greenland

By Robert Hunziker Greenland is one of the biggest targets for global warming, in part, because it’s so big it’s hard to miss.And sure enough, only recently crazy halting weather with inordinate hot temperature hit Greenland bull’s-eye, dead-on with one…

At 100, Gaia Faces its Biggest Challenges

James Lovelock theorized Gaia while working for NASA in the 1960s when he was hired to determine if there was “life on Mars.” Gaia may be younger but James Lovelock, Mr. Gaia himself, turns 100 on his upcoming birthday, July…

Green New Deals

By Howard Richards On February 7, 2019, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York introduced in the United States House of Representatives a RESOLUTION Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal. It demanded benefits Americans…

Beyond climate tipping points: Greenhouse gas levels exceed the stability threshold of the ice sheets

By Dr Andrew Glikson Abstract As the world keeps increasing its carbon emissions and exports,rising in 2018 to a record 33.1 billion ton per year, the atmospheric greenhouse gas level has now exceeded 560 ppm CO2–equivalent when methane and nitrous oxide are included, intersecting…

Permafrost Collapses 70 Years Early

Fasten your seat belt! Global warming is on a rampage. As a consequence, many ecosystems may be on the verge of total collapse. In fact, recent activity in the hinterlands surely looks that way. Over time, the backlash for civilized…

The Dangerous Methane Mystery

The East Siberian Arctic Shelf (“ESAS”) is the epicenter of a methane-rich zone that could turn the world upside down. Still, the ESAS is not on the radar of mainstream science, and not included in calculations by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel…

The Permafrost Nightmare Turns (More) Real

Permafrost covers 25% of the Northern Hemisphere. It is the world’s largest icebox, and its landmass is 4.5xs larger than Antarctica, 6.5xs larger than the United States.  It is stuffed full of carbon locked in frozen ground accumulated over eons,…

Custer’s Last Stand Meets Global Warming

By Robert Hunziker A recent article in Arctic News on the outlook for global warming foresees a frightening scenario lurking right around the corner. Hopefully, the article’s premise of impending runaway global warming (“RGW”) is off the mark, by a…

Pompeo’s Arctic Shipping Lanes

America’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, speaking at the prestigious Arctic Council biannual meeting in Finland, christened the Arctic meltdown: “A wonderful economic opportunity for international trade.” In a nutshell, here’s a critique of the Secretary’s advice: An ice-free Arctic…

World’s Youth Blow Bubbles For the Earth; While Voters Say No To Carbon Tax & Life

By Irwin Jerome The youth of the world everywhere blow bubbles on behalf of Mother Earth in support of implementing in every nation things like, a: Carbon Tax; New Green Deal; Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground; institute a World…

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