
global warming

Thunberg’s Problem. A Problem Without Any solution?

By Saral Sarkar For the last two or three months, I have been following the news on the school strike movement of teenagers, the purpose of which is to urge the grown-ups, particularly the politicians, to immediately do what is…

Democracy and living well: a Call to Conscience

Let’s unite to defend life and resist global threats! The Call to Conscience is an initiative of the Dialogues in Humanity Network. It synthesizes the two major threats hanging over humanity today: market fundamentalism and identity fundamentalism. The first leads…

The 2018 Firestorms: There is no Planet B

By Dr Andrew Glikson It takes only a spark, from a lightning or human ignition, to start a fire, but it involves high temperatures, a period of drought, a build-up of dry vegetation and strong winds to start a bush…

A Provocative and Inspiring Look at the Future of Humanity

Viewpoint by Jonathan Power* LUND, Sweden (IDN-INPS) – “Suppose aliens existed, and that some had been watching our planet for its entire forty-five million centuries, what would they have seen? Over most of that vast time-span, Earth’s appearance altered very…

Science Crucial to Global Environment Facility (GEF) Action

The Science and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP), establishing a sense of urgency, deployed scientific analysis to set priorities to guide the investment of newly replenished funds allocated to solve our persistent and worsening global environment woes. At the Global Environment…

Climate Change Is The Central Challenge For Humanity

Viewpoint by Franz Baumann This article is based on Talk given to the UN Association of New York 23 May 2018. Dr. Franz Baumann joined the UN Development Program in 1980 and began working in the UN Secretariat in 1985.…

March for Science in 500 cities around the world

On April 22, 500 events took place in 40 countries around the world to raise public awareness of the importance of science and research and support them against the attacks launched by US President Donald Trump, his plans to reduce…

Climate Change – but which direction?

Paris Climate Change Conference – November 2015 – The twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) and the eleventh session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP)…

Blowin’ in the Wind

  Human Wrongs Watch By Sven Teske*, 21 October, 2014 (Greenpeace) – Wind power has a pivotal role to play in the world’s energy supply over the next few years. By providing huge amounts of clean, affordable power, it can buy us time in the…

‘We Are Running Out of Time’, Experts Warn as Climate Change Debate Heats Up

   Human Wrongs Watch The United Nations weather agency on 9 September 2014 voiced concerns over the surge of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere, which has reached a new record high in 2013, amid worrying sings that oceans and…

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