
Global Collaboration in Research

BCU Grad Dean Kupang Celebrates Double Win at Rise 2024: Best Presenter & Best Paper for Research on Women Peacebuilders #4/4

Dr. Genevieve Balance Kupang, Dean of the Graduate School at Baguio Central University (BCU), achieved both Best Presenter and Best Paper at the World Citi Colleges (WCC) Aeronautical & Technological College (ATC) RISE 2024: ICREATE International Conference on May 29,…

BCU’s Braintrust: Faculty and Deans Share Learnings at RISE 2024: ICREATE #3/4

  by Genevieve Balance Kupang Baguio City, Philippines. We hope you enjoyed reading the first and second series of this article dubbed respectively “WCC ATC and Partner Institutions Host RISE 2024: ICREATE Conference  Fostering Global Collaboration in Research and Innovation #1/4…

BCU Students Gain Valuable Insights at RISE 2024: ICREATE 1st International Conference on Research and Innovation #2/4 Series

 by  Genevieve Balance Kupang Baguio City, Philippines. Students and faculty from Baguio Central University (BCU) actively participated in the RISE 2024: ICREATE 1st International Conference on Research and Exhibits on Aviation & Aeronautics, Tourism, Engineering and Education (ICREATE), held at…

WCC ATC and Partner Institutions Host RISE 2024: ICREATE Conference  Fostering Global Collaboration in Research and Innovation #1/4 Series

by  Genevieve Balance Kupang 03.06.24 – Binalonan, Philippines. The WCC Aeronautical and Technological College (WCC ATC) proudly hosted the inaugural RISE 2024: ICREATE, the 1st International Conference on Research and Exhibits on Aviation and Aeronautics, Tourism, Engineering, and Education on May 28 and…