

Schäuble leaves but Schäuble-ism lives on

By Yanis Varoufakis for DiEM25. Wolfgang Schäuble may have left the finance ministry but his policy for turning the eurozone into an iron cage of austerity that is the very antithesis of a democratic federation, lives on. What is remarkable…

Tens of thousands protest peacefully and colourfully in Hamburg for solidarity without borders

With a very colourful and peaceful protest march of several tens of thousands, the protest days against the G20 summit in Hamburg ended. They were filled with numerous workshops, discussion rounds, art activities and an alternative summit with thousands of…

Germany’s Hamburg braces for protests ahead of G20 summit

A wave of demonstrations are planned to hit the northern German city of Hamburg where leaders of the Group of 20 major economies, known as the G20, are set to meet next week. German media reported that some 30 protests…

Germany finally says “Ja” – Bundestag votes for marriage equality!

It’s official – marriage equality is about to become a reality in Germany. By ILGA-Europe. This morning’s plenary vote in the Bundestag supported an equal marriage proposal put forward by the Social Democrats (SPD). 393 members of parliament voted in…

Pressenza: Humanising the dehumanised

The tenth edition of the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum is currently underway in the impressive former West German parliament building in Bonn, Germany.  As part of the programme, Pressenza International Press Agency, with its unique focus on peace and…

DiEM25 to become the first transnational party in Europe

On Thursday, May 25, 2017, the co-founders of the new democratic political movement DiEM25, Yanis Varoufakis and Srecko Horvat held a press conference in the “Red Salon” of the Berlin theater “Volksbühne”, in the place where more than a year…

DiEM25 & Yanis Varoufakis Press Conference – Berlin

On the 25th of May 2017 at 10 am the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 held a press conference at the Volksbühne in Berlin. Represented by Yanis Varoufakis and Srećko Horvat, DiEM25 presented the European New Deal, a socio-economic policy…

UN experts censure Germany for ‘Crimes against Africans’

By Jutta Wolf for InDepthNews. United Nations experts have strongly criticised Germany for “crimes against Africans and people of African descent” adding that they are “deeply concerned about the human rights situation of people of African descent” in the country.…

Success as German bank divests from Dakota Access Pipeline

The Bayerische Landesbank (BayernLB) was one of 17 banks to have invested in the Dakota Access Pipeline. The highly controversial pipeline, which is destined to transport oil obtained by fracking across the North American continent is a threat to the…

Berlin: Change from below – A city for everybody

In Berlin, a broad alliance of local initiatives took to the streets for social housing and self-determined organisation of the city by its inhabitants. Students of the Humboldt University of Berlin initiated this demonstration. What is exemplified by this demonstration…

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