

Thinking outside the box – Greek-German exchange

In the basement of the COOP anti-war café in Berlin, in an almost conspiratorial atmosphere, we met with Marianella Kloka from Pressenza Athens for the Greek-German exchange. She is a long-time activist and human rights expert and has closely followed…

No chance for TTIP and CETA to get the support of German civil society

With the slogan “Stop TTIP & CETA! For a fair world trade” about 250,000 people demonstrated today against the free trade agreement between the EU and the US (TTIP) and Canada (CETA). Never before have so many people gone to…

Life in reunified Germany

If you cannot view this message correctly, please click here.     Discover life in reunited Germany On October 3, 1990 Germany celebrated reunification after being divided for decades. Starting today on DW’s websites, you’ll find many interesting stories and…

Grexit should be sooner rather than later

The context of the European Union As Humanists we aspire to a future in which all the peoples of the world integrate within a Universal Human Nation. In this sense we differentiate this process of integration that we call planetarisation…

Greece’s geopolitics

Located in the Eastern Mediterranean and facing three continents, Greece, the weak link of the European Union (EU) and NATO, has strange relationships with Russia, China, Iran, Israel and Egypt. Simultaneously it is the bottleneck in migration issues, and contributes…

People of Berlin send a loud OXI to Athens

On the evening of Friday 3rd July, thousands of people gathered in Berlin for a demonstration under the slogan “Nein! Oxi! No! to austerity – Yes to Democracy!”. Organized by Blockupy Berlin, a broad section of the population and followers…

Immigration, Myths and the Irresponsibility of Europe

Human Wrongs Watch By Roberto Savio* Rome, 7 June 2015 – With little fanfare, the German IFO Institute for Economic Research recently published a report on population projections for Germany which states simply that the country’s population is shrinking fast. The…

Germans march in Munich against G7 talks and trade deal

By Ashoka Jegroo for Waging Nonviolence Over 30,000 people crowded onto the streets of Munich, Germany on June 4 to protest the upcoming meeting between leaders of seven of the world’s richest countries. “I’d say I’m here against the inequality…

Germany’s commitment to renewables helped drive down costs

The global energy elite gather today in Berlin to discuss progress and chart new direction in the ongoing global transition to renewable energy. The two-day Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue – towards a global Energiewende brings together energy policy experts and…

Germany: poverty hits record high since reunification

Poverty has hit a record high in Germany in the post-reunification era, results of a new survey show. According to a study conducted by Germany’s Equal Welfare Association, results of which were published Thursday, more than 12 million Germans were classed…

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