

Grey wolves in Uruguay?

On the eve of the date on which the Armenians of the world remember the genocide perpetrated by the Young Turks, and denied even by the current leaders of the country, the Turkish Chancellor Chavushoglu arrives in Uruguay with the…

12 October: The plundering genocide against the indigenous population

According to Marx, “The discovery of the gold and silver deposits of America, the extermination, enslavement and burial in the mines of the aboriginal population, the beginning of the conquest and plunder of the East Indies, the conversion of the…

PHI on the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade: “The Greatest Genocide of Humanity”.

Humanity’s greatest genocide Nothing above the human being and no human being below another human being In December 2007, the UN General Assembly declared 25 March as the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic…

75 Years Ago the US Destroyed Japanese Culture

In dropping nuclear weapons on Nagasaki just three days after having bombed Hiroshima, the US knew exactly what would be the level of destruction and the extent of the humanitarian disaster. Less than a second after the detonation, the northern end…

BREAKING COP25 – Extinction Rebellion and Minga act for Amazonia: Let’s disrupt the Destruction

It is time to #ProtectTheAmazon. On 9th December, Minga, the indigenous peoples’ alternative to COP25, and Extinction Rebellion’s Rebels Beyond Borders have blocked the road leading to the entrance to COP25. They have also installed a yellow boat, with people locked on to it, in an…

What are we commemorating on Oct 12th? Discovery or genocide?

The only fact more or less accepted is that Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic Ocean arriving in the Americas on that date in 1492. Not the first European, the Vikings beat him to it, but believing he had found a…

Tribunal Finds Myanmar Guilty of Genocide against Rohingya

Reported by Hadi Azmi/BenarNews, an RFA-affiliated online news service. 22 Sep 2017 – An international panel of judges declared today that the Myanmar government is guilty of committing genocide against Rohingya Muslims, who have been fleeing the country following months of…

Los Angeles to Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day

The Los Angeles City Council voted Wednesday to eliminate Columbus Day from the city’s calendar and replace it with an annual holiday marking Indigenous Peoples Day, in an acknowledgement of the genocide that took place as European powers colonized the…

A Nonviolent Strategy to Defeat Genocide

Robert J. Burrowes It is a tragic measure of the depravity of human existence that genocide is a continuing and prevalent manifestation of violence in the international system, despite the effort following World War II to abolish it through negotiation,…

Darfur genocide: Silence harming women

Activists and the victims of the Darfur genocide are calling on the international community to do more to end the on-going violence against women and children in the Darfur region of Sudan. Women and children as young as seven years…

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