

Unite now to stop #GazaGenocide and start dismantling Israeli apartheid!

Let’s make November 29th a global day of action to stop #GazaGenocid! Millions of you have taken to the streets for the largest protests the world has seen in the last 20 years! We are grateful to each one of…

CODEPINK Launches International Campaign Urging ICC Investigation into Israel’s Alleged War Crimes in Gaza

In the wake of alarming statements by Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which have been perceived as incitement to genocide in Palestine, CODEPINK and its international partners are spearheading a global letter-writing initiative calling for an investigation by…

There Is No Right Side in War

Many of us have called wars like those on Iraq and Afghanistan by the name “wars” or sometimes the name “occupation,” but the current war on Gaza by the name “genocide.” They’ve all been extremely one-sided slaughters of mostly civilians…

Denunciation to the International Criminal Court for genocide and other crimes (art. 15.1)

The unacceptable must be fought by all means On 9 November [2023] at 11 am in The Hague, a denunciation for genocide and other crimes (art.15.1) concerning Palestine in particular will be presented to the International Criminal Court. The underlying…

Israel in Gaza: a genocidal enterprise?

The twentieth century has been marked by several genocidal enterprises. In 1899-1902, the United States was closely associated with the genocide of 3 million people in the Philippines[1]. In 1907, King Leopold of Belgium led an army that killed over…

Paying tribute to the victims of genocide in Namibia

Every year, descendants of the Nama-Ovaherero tribes gather at Swakopmund Memorial Park Cemetery in Namibia during the month of March to pay tribute to their ancestors who were victims of the genocide that took place from 1904-1908. Swakopmund, a town…

Bangladesh, Myanmar need to pursue a ‘fruitful Rohingya solution strategy

A 22-member team of Myanmar immigration officials visited Rohingya refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar to verify more than 400 Rohingya refugees as part of a pilot repatriation project. Does it hold out any hope for the forcibly displaced people to…

Roger Waters Questioned in Depth About Ukraine, Russia, Israel, U.S.

By Berliner Zeitung, February 4, 2023 The original at the link above is in German. This translation was provided to World BEYOND War by Roger Waters. Roger Waters can rightly claim to be the mastermind behind Pink Floyd. He came up…

US Congress To Recognise Bangladesh Genocide In 1971

Recently United States Congressman Steve Chabot along with co-sponsor Congressman Ro Khanna and Congresswoman Katie Porter introduced a bipartisan resolution 1430 “Recognising the Bangladesh Genocide of 1971” in Capitol Hill, Washington DC. By aleem Samad The resolution demands that the…

Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide

The 24th of April means for us, Armenians, the memory of an ignominious time that is reflected in two very clear and concrete things, the genocide suffered by our elders perpetrated by the Ottoman Turkish regime, and the occupation of…

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