

They’re Arresting the Wrong People Inside of Congress

I was arrested again inside of Congress for speaking out against US-backed genocide. Myself and others were brutally tackled and carried out of the room by Capitol Police. I was charged with “crowding, obstructing, or incommoding” for speaking out and…

Letter from Humanist International to the UN Secretary General

Letter of the Humanist International to Mr. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations Organization on the occasion of the demand for coherent actions of the UN in the face of the genocide in the Gaza Strip in Palestine.…

“We are the red line!”: Tens of thousands to surround the White House on June 8 to demand Biden end the genocide in Gaza

Tens of thousands of people will join a national mobilization to surround the White House on June 8 to demand that U.S. President Joe Biden act on his promises and suspend all aid to Israel. Organizers declare that despite Biden…

Active Duty, Veterans, G.I. Rights Groups Launch Campaign for Military Personnel to Tell Congress “Stop Funding Genocide in Gaza!”

As more members of the military and State Department resign over U.S. funding of the genocide in Gaza, a new campaign will be launched tomorrow to allow military personnel to directly contact their congressional representatives. Initiated by active-duty military members,…

The UN Resolution on the Srebrenica Genocide Seen from the Heart of Sarajevo

In the main hall of the “Vijećnica” or City Hall, one of the emblematic buildings of Sarajevo, strong emotions were felt at 17:24 when a large screen projected the votes of the United Nations General Assembly that had gathered to…

Yeheli Cialic: “Israel, we cannot stand by and watch. Silence is complicity”

Yeheli Cialic is the coordinator of Mesarvot, a network of young Israeli conscientious objectors who refuse to join the army in protest of the occupation and the war in Gaza, a choice that means going against everything they have been…

The struggle against apartheid in Palestine and Latin America

On the occasion of the 76th commemoration of the Nakba, the First World Conference against Apartheid in Palestine will be held in Gauteng, South Africa, from 10 to 12 May, under the slogan “Towards a global front against Israeli genocide…

Rejecting the Facade: Unveiling the Ecological Toll of War and Genocide

As Earth Day approaches, prepare for the annual spectacle of U.S. lawmakers donning their environmentalist hats, waxing poetic about their love for the planet while disregarding the devastation their actions wreak. The harsh reality is that alongside their hollow pledges…

Israel’s Condition of Origin and Our Willful Ignorance

A Confession I’m going to confess something up front here: Until 2023 I wasn’t aware that Israel was an apartheid state.(1) I’ve been reflecting on this “revelation” over the last week or so and it’s become clear to me, embarrassingly…

Purim at the Time of Genocide

The Jewish holiday of Purim, related in the Book of Esther, celebrates deliverance from a genocide. How to celebrate it when death and starvation kill thousands in Gaza, and the holiday’s rhetoric, namely the memory of the archenemy Amalek, is…

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