
General Assembly

CPDCS Statement for the U.N. International Day for the Complete Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

The establishment of the United Nations International Day for the Complete Elimination of Nuclear Weapons reflects humanity’s recognition of the continuing existential threat to human survival and civilization posed by nuclear weapons. As the Hibakusha, Japanese A- and H- Bomb…

On the sidelines of UN high-level week, Summit addresses rescue of Sustainable Development Goals

With the aim of picking up the pace towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals set for 2030, the SDG Summit was held at the United Nations headquarters in New York on 18 and 19 September, in parallel with the high-level…

From 24 to 30 October, United Nations celebrates Disarmament Week

A disarmament agenda to save humanity and our future Disarmament Week seeks to promote awareness and better understanding of disarmament issues and their wide-ranging importance. Beginning on 24 October, the anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, the week-long…

Ukraine: General Assembly passes resolution demanding aid access, by large majority

The UN General Assembly overwhelmingly demanded civilian protection and humanitarian access in Ukraine on Thursday, while also criticizing Russia for creating a “dire” humanitarian situation resulting from its invasion exactly one month ago. During its 11th Emergency Special Session, 193 Member…