
gender equality

Tackling climate with gender equality

An  equitable future for women means a livable future for all of us. We’re in the midst of climate crisis – it’s not theoretical anymore. And though some of the world’s finest minds are working hard on strategies to stave off…

Hungary Rejects Opportunity to Protect Women from Violence

Government Blocks Key Treaty as Covid-19 Exposes Scale of Domestic Abuse Hillary Margolis Amidst a disturbing global uptick in reports of domestic violence during Covid-19 lockdowns, Hungary has taken a leap backwards in protecting women. On May 5, parliament, where…

A Gender-equal Ethiopian Parliament can Improve the Lives of all Women

By James Jeffrey In 1991, the share of seats held by women in the Ethiopian parliament was under 3 percent. Today it stands at 38 percent, almost twice the ratio of women in the United States Congress. Experts say when…

Too Few Women in Power 25 Years After Beijing Declaration

By UN Women Women’s representation in political decision-making continues to increase but at a dragging pace, with three-quarters of parliamentary seats still held by men, according to new data presented in the 2020 edition of the IPU‑UN Women map of Women in…

This is not just a gender gap: It’s a power gap

By Naba Kishor Pujari 25 years after the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action set out a clear path on how to achieve gender equality, the world has witnessed remarkable progress. However, the Report of the UN Secretary-General on the…

Many Milestones but Painfully Slow Progress Towards Gender Equality

By Farhana Haque Rahman* ROME, Mar 5 2020 (IPS) – The narrative surrounding women’s rights in 2020 carries much hope and possibility. A new decade is ushering in important anniversaries and milestones: 25 years since the Beijing Platform for Action, 110…

One Billion Rising, 2019: From a Campaign to End Violence against Women to a Way of Life.

Valentine’s Day. In Manila, Philippines, thousands of students at St. Scholastica Manila take part in One Billion Rising 2019, a global campaign that aims to end the violence against women and children worldwide. In another part of the city, the…

Selay Ghaffar, spokesperson for the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan: “Our goal is to free Afghanistan from violence and foreign influence”

Selay Ghaffar is the spokesperson for the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan. At the release of “Exit from Violence. You are not alone”  handbook on Tuesday November 28th at Casa delle Donne di Milano, she spoke about the current situation for…

‘Empower women and change the structures of power’ – Media and gender equality at the Global Media Forum

Prominent experts from the media, politics and NGOs called upon the media to step up their efforts for gender equality and diversity at the Global Media Forum. A panel, hosted by the network Gender@International Bonn, focused on the challenges of…

Finland Launches Landmark Gender Equality Prize

By Rita Joshi NEW YORK (IDN) – In run-up to the sixty-first session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, CSW61, in New York from March 13 to 24, the government of Finland has launched the International…

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