
gender equality

Showcasing Student Achievements in Science and Math Month: A Step Towards Inclusive Education, Gender Equality, and Environmental Stewardship

A dazzling display of sustainable innovation as participants from both male and female categories showcase their meticulously crafted sci-models adorned with exquisite, recycled costumes. Starting with Mr. and Ms. SCIMA 2024: Solomon Damaso and Jehan Reese Damogos, 1st place:  Jaymar…

In the city and in the countryside the women will be honored in various ways.

On International Women’s Day. As never before, urban and rural women in all the cities of the central region of the country are preparing to celebrate their day with a variety of activities, without ceasing to demand a strict awareness…

Intersectionality of Chemicals, Environment, and Gender Rights, Discussed in Women’s Day Webinar

Environmental group BAN Toxics held a webinar as the world celebrated International Women’s Day. Speakers from the academe, science, and development work shared their insights on the intersectionality of environment, women, and gender rights. “We seem to have come a…

It will take 80 years for parliaments to have gender parity

For the first time in history, according to a new report by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), not a single functioning parliament in the world is “all-male”, but achieving parity is a little further away: 80 years away from gender balance…

EU: Companies with more than 100 employees must disclose wages to make pay gaps visible

The European Council, the Commission and the Parliament have agreed on the main points of the new EU Pay Transparency Directive. The directive aims to end the pay gap between women and men. In the future, companies with more than…

International Women’s Day, 2021 To Lead is to Serve — A Pacific Woman’s Perspective

By Leituala Kuiniselani Toelupe Tago-Elisara An often quoted indigenous reference in the Samoan language is, O le ala i le pule o le tautua, literally translated, “the pathway to leadership is through service” because to be able to lead is…

Why Transforming Our Food Systems Is a Feminist Issue

By Jemimah Njuki In countries where women are most marginalized, discriminated under the law and where gendered norms prevent women from owning property and resources, people are also the hungriest. This is because gender equality and food systems are intertwined.…

25 years after Beijing’s Women Conference, significance ‘undimmed’

Exactly 25 years after the historic world conference in Beijing on the advancement and equality of women, the head of the UN gender empowerment agency declared on Friday that “its significance is undimmed”. Looking back on the Fourth World Conference on…

Put Gender Equality at the Heart of the Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery

By Valeria Esquivel Valeria Esquivel is Senior Employment Policies and Gender Officer, Employment, Labour Markets and Youth Branch, International Labour Organization (ILO) The pandemic is disproportionately affecting women workers. Governments should prioritize policies that offset the effects the COVID-19 crisis is…

UN Gathering To Call for Robust and Urgent Actions to Advance Gender Equality

By Caroline Mwanga Twenty-five years after its adoption the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, member states and observers, civil society organizations, gender equality leaders, CEOs, and heads of academia will gather virtually on July 21 in a multi-stakeholder hearing. The…

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