

Stories from returning #WomenToGaza – Struggle to end illegal Israeli blockade continues

Women’s Boat to Gaza – TRANSCEND Media Service 8 Oct 2016 – As we write, the last of our wonderfully brave participants from the Women’s Boat to Gaza are either home with their loved ones and supporters, or on their…

Madres de la Plaza de Mayo support Women’s Boat to Gaza

Every Thursday, more than two thousand Thursdays ago, at Plaza de Mayo at 3pm, right in front of the Government House in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the mothers who protest against the disappearance of their daughters and sons during the last…

Gaza: Over 80% of Population Depend on Humanitarian Assistance

Human Wrongs Watch By UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)* The blockade on Gaza, now in its tenth year, has created extremely high unemployment and aid dependency rates in Gaza: in 2016, over 80 per cent of…

Netanyahu and Hamas: The Orwellian bedfellows one year on

Who won the 2014 Gaza war? The violent leaders on both sides. Who lost it? Ordinary people on both sides. Netanyahu became re-elected on the bases of fear and paranoia. Every missile Hamas fired into Israel created another vote for…

UNHRC resolution A/HRC/29/L/35 re Gaza 2014 in the International Media

Haaretz “UN human rights chief: Israel may be committing war crimes in Gaza “Despite Israeli lobbying, Palestinians have managed to call for a vote on Wednesday on severe condemnation of IDF operation in Gaza.” Russia Today “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin…

On Gaza War anniversary, UK protesters to shut down Israeli drone factory near Birmingham

A Staffordshire arms factory making engines for drones exported to Israel will be shut down by protesters on Monday 6 July, to mark the one year anniversary of Israel’s 2014 attack on Gaza. Hundreds of Palestine solidarity campaigners are expected…

‘Palestinian Refugee Crisis a ‘Time Bomb’ for Middle East’

Human Wrongs Watch The stark conditions afflicting millions of displaced Palestinians across the Middle East risk destabilizing the region and plunging it into a deeper humanitarian and security crisis, the head of the United Nations agency assisting Palestinian refugees has…

Future of Israeli-Palestinian Peace ‘More Uncertain than Ever’ – Senior UN Official

Human Wrongs Watch The quest for peace between Israel and the Palestinians has reached a “dramatic” crossroads, United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Robert Serry, on 15 December 2014 told the Security Council in his briefing…

Wars on Gaza: Over 100,000 Homes Damaged, Destroyed; 600,000 People Affected; Blackouts of up to 18 Hours per Day

Human Wrongs Watch Reconstruction efforts in Gaza continue as thousands of people will soon have access to building materials for urgent repairs to their homes following last summer’s conflict in the war-ravaged enclave, the UN special envoy in the region…

‘Clock Is Ticking’ for War-Ravaged Gaza; Promises on Rebuilding Must ‘Quickly Materialize’

  Human Wrongs Watch On the heels of last week’s visit to Gaza, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 21 October 2014 told the Security Council today that promises made at a recent donor conference on rebuilding the war-ravaged enclave…

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