

Global Economy Still Slowing, Dangerously Vulnerable

By Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram In an annual ritual early in the year, most major economic organizations have released forecasts for the global economy in 2020. Incredibly, almost as a reminder of where financial power resides in this day…

Trump’s Climate Change Denial Ignites Grass-Roots Resistance

As “Russiagate” becomes a full-blown conflagration threatening to consume Donald Trump’s presidency, his denial of human-induced global warming continues to threaten a planet already on fire. The world reeled on June 1 when Trump made good on his campaign promise…

Tens of thousands protest peacefully and colourfully in Hamburg for solidarity without borders

With a very colourful and peaceful protest march of several tens of thousands, the protest days against the G20 summit in Hamburg ended. They were filled with numerous workshops, discussion rounds, art activities and an alternative summit with thousands of…

Beneath dramatic G20 clashes, a deep demand for a better world

Tens of thousands descend on Hamburg, challenging policies put forth by Trump-type nationalists and Europe’s neoliberals elites by Jessica Corbett, staff writer for Common Dreams (watch the videos in the original site) With the focus on dramatic images of German riot…

False fire alarm shortly before Assange video appearance at DiEM25 event in Hamburg

On Friday evening, the participants of the DiEM25 event entitled “Constructive Disobedience”, had to be evacuated in the Audimax Auditorium of the University of Hamburg shortly before the live connection with Julian Assange. On request, the spokesman of the Hamburg…

Germany’s Hamburg braces for protests ahead of G20 summit

A wave of demonstrations are planned to hit the northern German city of Hamburg where leaders of the Group of 20 major economies, known as the G20, are set to meet next week. German media reported that some 30 protests…

G20 Summit: for the first time the West couldn’t dictate, but had to listen

IN FOCUS, 12 September 2016, By Asif Aziz – Astute News 9 Sep 2016 – China has spent months organizing the G20 Summit in Hangzhou. They had their own ideas and it was a sort of coming out for Chinese,…

TPP, TTIP and G20. Economic violence in easy acronyms

We have already discussed in Pressenza the looming disaster being planned under the TTIP (The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, aka EU-US “Free” Trade Agreement), not only in relation to falling standards of food safety and environmental protection but most…


  By Ramesh Jaura | IDN-InDepth NewsAnalysis [clear] BERLIN (IDN) – When representatives of 194 States and the European Union, which are parties to one of the landmark global conventions, meet in the Namibian capital Windhoek from September 16 to…

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