
fundamental freedoms

The Case of Julian Assange

by Paul Craig Roberts, 10/06/2018. Here is the original post   Julian Assange is a journalist, not a spy. Because he published leaked material that proved the duplicity and criminality of the US Government, Washington has had him locked up…

The Isolation of Julian Assange Must Stop

We call on the government of Ecuador to allow Julian Assange his right of freedom of speech. by NOAM CHOMSKY, CHRIS HEDGES, JOHN PILGER, ET AL. First published on Counterpunch April 2, 2018.   If it was ever clear that the…

Catalonia, open letter to Juncker and Tusk: the silence of the EU is unjustifiable

In front of the repressive escalation in Catalonia, 185 politicians, intellectuals, academics and MEPs have signed an open letter to European Commission President Juncker and European Council President Tusk to urge the European Union to intervene for the salvation of fundamental…