

EuroMarches 2015 – day 7 – Barcelona-Andorra-Toulouse

On this day another bus joined the March. In Seo de Urgel EuroMarches delivered a letter to the Archbishop, Co-Prince of Andorra, a meeting was then held with the unions, who were in their election day and, finally, there was…

International Day of Nonviolence celebrated around the world

This year’s international Day of Nonviolence witnessed a whole host of activities around the world. Among the activities held on the annual October 2nd included: In Nakpanduri, a conflict area that experiences curfews in the northern region of Ghana, there…

German chancellor says peace in Ukraine brings peace to Europe

German Chancellor Angela Merkel says a German-French initiative to stop deadly clashes in eastern Ukraine is aimed at defending peace all over Europe. “It’s about representing our interests – German-French – but also European interests…. It’s about European peace… and…

“We Are All Charlie” – but is that story so simple?

Eleven points as a reflection on the terror in Paris and – not the least – the reactions to it*: By Jan Oberg 1. What was this an attack on? Was that attack an attack on freedom of speech as…

French Majority Rejects Intervention in Central African Republic

Paris, Jan 4 (Prensa Latina) About 60 percent of French people rejected military intervention of his country in the Central African Republic (CAR), according to a survey by the Institute of Analysis and Opinion (Ifop) released today.The survey, released in…

It’s France’s turn. Again: Who the hell are Standard and Poor!?

A couple of years ago I published an Article in Pressenza about Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs). In the week that Standard and Poor decided to downgrade France it is worth repeating what was said then, because nothing has changed (for…

Why doesn’t France like Oslo?

This article comes from the monthly bulletin of Armes Nucléaires STOP. The conference proposed by Norway on “humanitarian nuclear disarmament” is judged by France to be an “error”. France’s only problem is that of nuclear proliferation, disarmament is not on…

Nuclear accident could cost France €430bn, study shows

A study shows that a possible nuclear accident in France would cost the country about 430 billion euros, which is equivalent to 20 percent of its economic output. The study, conducted by the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear…

World without Wars: Foreign intervention in Mali

Exactly one year ago today, the Republic of Mali saw its sovereignty attacked by armed bandits of all kinds. In fact, the Azawad National Liberation Movement (MNLA), a secessionist movement of the northern regions, in connection with other armed groups,…

France: Approve Marriage Equality

The French National Assembly should approve a bill for marriage equality, Human Rights Watch said today in a letter to members of the assembly. “From a human rights perspective, broadening the scope of civil marriage to couples of the same…

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