

Algeria says France must take responsibility for nuclear waste in Sahara

Algeria’s senior military official, Bouzid Boufrioua, has called on France to take responsibility for the waste left in the Sahara after its nuclear tests there in the 1960s. Brigadier General Boufrioua is the head of the combat engineering department of…

France needs ‘strategic dialogue’ with Eastern Europe, not Russia

By Jeroen Bult Not always natural allies, France and the Baltic states have a more nuanced relationship than their disagreements over Russia may suggest, argues Dutch historian and journalist Jeroen Bult. Baltics in-depth. “The visit I am paying to your…

Forty-Nine Migrant Children Moved to Safety in France

Over a Thousand Still Stranded in Hellish Conditions on Greek Islands In recent days, France has welcomed 49 children flown in from the nightmarish situation in the camps on Greece’s Aegean islands, where thousands of asylum seekers and migrants are stranded in…

Adama Traoré Echoes George Floyd: Thousands of Protesters in the Streets of France

People no longer want this police violence, this terrible injustice, this racial discrimination. They will not let it happen again. Not here, not anywhere. While dozens of cities in the USA are “on fire and blood”, according to the press,…

The Only Oxygen Cylinder Factory in Europe is Shut down and Macron Refuses to Nationalize It

By Jérôme Duval for Counterpunch Although no information is circulating about the stock of oxygen cylinders in France, which are very useful in these times of acute health crisis and which Italy cruelly lacks, the only factory capable of producing…

France. Researchers stand against the commodification of knowledge

“We need an ambitious, unequal law – yes, unequal, a virtuous and Darwinian law, which encourages the world’s best scientists, teams, laboratories and establishments, a law that harnesses efforts.” These were the controversial words of Antoine Petit, mathematician and director…

Macron proposes European role for French nuclear weapons, won’t meet with Hiroshima Survivor

In a speech outlining his vision for France’s nuclear deterrence strategy, President Macron touted the role of nuclear weapons in European security policy and dismissed calls for their global abolition as an ‘ethical debate’ that lacked ‘realism in the strategic context.’…

France: In defence of a dignified retirement

Text and photos: Josefina Dowbor-Muśnicka One year after the peak of the Yellow Vests, the French decided to go to the streets and make themselves heard. This Thursday, December 5, France experienced the beginning of an unlimited interprofessional strike. According…

Grassroots groups beat the French state in court

A group of associations took the French state to court over its failure to provide basic services for refugees in Dunkirk and won,  the group Help Refugees  announces in its Facebook page. As a result of months of work from La Cimade, the…

​In France’s National Assembly: a Referendum Bill for abolishing nuclear and radioactive weapons

​On 5 June 2019, a bill for a “shared-initiative” referendum was presented at the National Assembly in Paris. Its aim is for French citizens to have a say on France’s participation in the abolition of nuclear and radioactive weapons. The…

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