

The battle for time to live

Neither Léon Blum, François Mitterrand nor Lionel Jospin were extremist revolutionaries. On the contrary, they were among the leaders of French and European social democracy. However… they kept their word when it came to fighting for time to live… In…

France, pension reform: a president against the people

Week in 3 acts: vote on the motion of censure in the National Assembly, interview with President Macron, 9th inter-union demonstration on March 23. For less than a year, (beginning of Macron’s second term), it is the eleventh time that…

Questions to Sabine Rubin, former MP for France Insoumise party

In 2022, the French elected the President of the Republic and then the deputies of the National Assembly. In the last presidential and legislative elections, the abstention rate increased. However, the French are preoccupied about the future of their society:…

France: Mass protests against higher retirement age

France’s President Emmanuel Macron wants to raise the retirement age by two years. However, 72 percent of French people are against the pension reform—and the trend is rising. Since mid-January, hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets…

Burkina Faso Ejects French Troops

On January 18, 2023, the government of Burkina Faso made a decision to ask the French military forces to depart from the country within a month. This decision was made by the government of Captain Ibrahim Traoré, who staged the second coup…

France: great success for the first day of mobilisation against pension reform

In France, more than one million people demonstrated, according to figures from the Ministry of the Interior. The next meeting is scheduled in the next few days, on Tuesday 31 January 2023. In Paris, on Thursday 19 January, the demonstration…


In the summer of 1927, where there is the bluest sea in the world, Simone Veil was born. Her love for her family and for justice, and that air of freedom she breathed as a child in the Mediterranean [region]…

The White-West’s Energy Manipulation Game Continues

On July 5, 2022, European Union lawmakers voted to allow natural gas and nuclear energy to be labeled as green investments, ignoring all research that shows the destructive impact of these energies on our environment. The risk from nuclear energy…

France at the crossroads

The French presidential election last April resolved nothing but the extension of Emmanuel Macron’s term in office, which is far from answering the questions that are troubling the French people. Although Macron delayed the formation of a new government as…

France, first round of the presidential elections: abstention, repetition and Mélenchon!

Abstention, repetition and Mélenchon: these three words alone sum up the result of the first round of the presidential election in France. Indeed, E. Macron outgoing President and candidate of ultra-liberalism obtained 27.84% of the votes, Mme. Le Pen of…

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