

Perfidy, a political virtue? When, in France, the dominant outsider claims to impose its interests against the will of the people

Perfidy is not the monopoly that many Europeans ascribe to our neighbours across the Channel. Since his first term in office, the French head of state has shown himself to be one of his most loyal professionals: on labour issues,…

France/UK: Elections with a signal effect

Elections to the national parliaments in the UK and France took place at the beginning of July 2024. In the UK, the Conservative Tories suffered a resounding defeat, while Labour was able to govern with an absolute majority for the…

Columbia students occupy Hamilton Hall after school suspends students. New protest encampments all over the US

Students at Columbia University took over Hamilton Hall just after midnight after the school began suspending students who refused to leave the Gaza Solidarity Encampment, which began almost two weeks ago. The hall was also the site of a historic…

Emmanuel Macron, a flight-forward devotee

Donald Trump said that he would not protect a European country that does not pay its share within NATO. This was all that it took for Emmanuel Macron to feel invested in a new mission to replace the possible end…

France and the anger of the countryside

The impact of inflation, low wages, unfair competition, bureaucracy, income inequality and European environmental standards that they describe as too severe were at the centre of the complaints from the second half of January to the beginning of February, mobilisations…

Conference in Paris on the pilot plan for universal basic income in Catalonia: What impact will its implementation have on mental health?

Mental health is the foundation of individual wellbeing and the basis of a well-functioning society. This state evolves according to both personal and external factors, the socio-economic context and even climate change. The quality of urban (and rural) life therefore…

15 October: The beginning of an intellectual revolution with “L’Encyclopédie” by Diderot and D’Alembert

15 October 1750 marks a milestone in the history of illustration and the spread of knowledge. On that day, two leading French philosophers, Denis Diderot and Jean le Rond d’Alembert, began work on what would become one of the most…

Why the French Fight Their Elite

By Nadia Schwarz Among the countries of Europe, France is the most flammable one. The flames of popular protest against the political and public phenomena of the last few years are virtually unstoppable. It would seem to be in the…

Arrest of investigative journalist symbolises deterioration of press freedom in France

The arrest of investigative reporter Arianne Lavrilleux has sparked outrage in France, where attacks on freedom of reporting have increased under Macron’s presidency. The latest example of the liberal drift of Emmanuel Macron’s France. After the disturbing arrest in April…

Chronicle of a phantom crisis or how France tried to destroy us…

December 2019, while France is going through one of its greatest social crises, the Gilets Jaunes are on the streets, ready to do anything for their demands and getting dangerously close to power, a new disease is making its appearance…

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