
fossil fuels

Eyes on Bonn: COP23 and Germany’s biggest anti-coal demonstration

Last Saturday around 25,000 people marched peacefully in the streets of Bonn in a colourful demonstration in order to demand the German government to stick to the Paris agreement and to phase out coal. It was the biggest anti-coal-demonstration in…

The Water Protectors meet with the Mayor of Geneva

Water Protectors Rachel Heaton and Rafael Gonzalez met with the Mayor of Geneva Rémy Pagani to talk about divestment out of fossil fuels and got his official support. Then they exchanged with the Union UNIA about strategies of divestment of the…

Peruvian farmer sues German energy firm RWE

A court case brought by a Peruvian farmer against energy firm RWE started today in Germany. Melting glaciers are threatening his home and city. The causes are climate change and RWE’s huge carbon emissions, he alleges. A Peruvian farmer and…

A Friendly Critique of the Break Free Climate Actions

Human Wrongs Watch By Robert J. Burrowes* I have enjoyed reading accounts and seeing photos of those committed and courageous climate activists who participated in the recent Break Free from Fossil Fuels actions conducted at various locations in 13 countries…

Leave fossil fuels in the ground, ending climate crimes

Climate Change and Nuclear Power: You Don’t Cure the Plague by Spreading Cholera. Nuclear Radiation is not the Solution to Global Warming By Jean-Marie Matagne Global Research, August 29, 2015 In the lead-up to COP21, a hundred French and international…

New Hope for Avoiding Catastrophic Clime Change

Human Wrongs Watch By John Scales Avery* The threat of catastrophic climate change requires prompt and dedicated action by the global community. Unless we very quickly make the transition from fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy, we will reach a…

Exponential Growth

Human Wrongs Watch By John Scales Avery* 15 June 2015 – Exponential growth of any quantity with time has some remarkable characteristics, which we ought to try to understand better, since this understanding will help us to predict the future.…

Is This a Blip or a Tip in Humanity’s Onslaught on the Climate?

Human Wrongs Watch By Kumi Naidoo* 18 March, 2015 — Reports that the growth in carbon pollution paused last year should give heart to climate campaigners and clean energy investors around the world. The figures, from the International Energy Agency, no…

Not sure what to bring to the NY Climate Summit? Just ask Denmark!

  Human Wrongs Watch By Kat Skeie* and Tarjei Haaland* – 16 September, 2014, Greenpeace – Climate change is back on the global political agenda. On September 23rd, world leaders from government, finance, business and civil society will convene for the New York Climate Summit hosted by…

Momentum on Fossil Fuel Divestment Grows as Harvard Professors, Desmond Tutu Call for Action

Momentum is growing in the movement to divest from fossil fuel companies. On Thursday, South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu called for an anti-apartheid-style boycott and disinvestment campaign against the industry for its role in driving climate change. Meanwhile, nearly 100…

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