
Formal democracy

The locus of governance is inexorably shifting towards urban epicenters.

Traditional, formal democracy — long associated with the nation-state — is waning, becoming mired in ideological wars and increasingly disconnected from the daily concerns of people’s lives. Direct democracy, however, is poised to flourish at the municipal level, where citizens…

Political party business in the decline of “representative” Democracy

LATIN AMERICA SUSTAINING A DEMOCRACY WITHOUT A FIX From the premise of dreaming of a Latin America far removed from amateurism where solid leadership reigns, the Latin American and Caribbean region idealises, from civil society, a concrete direction that distances…

Seven Myths about the January 6th Capitol Building Incident

After over a year of incessant publicity, the Capitol building incident of January 6, 2021, has taken on mythic proportions. While all myths are prone to hyperbole, not all are entirely false as the following accounting relates. By Roger D.…

Understanding the Basics of 21st-Century Democracy, Autocracy, and Capitalism

Democracy exists if and when a community organizes its self-governance around the full participation, on an equal basis, of all the members of the community. Its other, autocracy, exists when a community organizes (or allows) its governance by an individual…

Brexit. When are we going to stop distracting ourselves with the “kingdom of the secondary?”

By Jon Swinden The issue from the beginning has been democracy. Real democracy vs formal democracy.  About the referendum result. 48% to 52%. A day before, a day after, before lunch or after lunch? Any statistician worth his salt would…

Glyphosate: Democracy 0 – Lobbyists 1

By Erik Edman for DiEM25 As we predicted right after the European Parliament voted not to renew glyphosate’s licence in Europe, the European Member States have now ignored all democratic voices and have decided to renew the licence of the…

Trump to Tsipras: You’re one of our best clients!

“I want to thank the Prime Minister and the Greek people for serving as gracious hosts to our US naval forces at Souda bay. I also commend Greece for being one of the few NATO countries currently spending at least…